This is pretty much the peak of the fps genre, how can id improve this for their next game?

This is pretty much the peak of the fps genre, how can id improve this for their next game?

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I think they should add additional ways of recovering ammo, like doing headshots on particular types of fodder should give you some small amounts of fodder-dependent ammo, and maybe destroying manc/revenant weak points should drop a rocket (fodder shouldn't drop rockets for obvious reasons).

>Look mom I posted it again

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I wish I was a paid shill

>Glorified single player Overwatch with blood, a battle pass, and plot that was written by Youtube comments

There's a lot they can do to improve it, unfortunately they are objectively appealing to the r slash gaming/Sony AAA crowd with the franchise now so anyone else expecting actual DOOM is out of luck

>it's a combat puzzle, this has never been done before in a video game!
pic related
>git gud, you just hate it because you never mastered the combat loop and didn't maximize your DPS through utilization of meta gameplay to achieve the fun zone!
The "Combat Loop (TM)" takes 3 hours max to figure out, after that you can play on autopilot on the hardest difficulty because nothing changes
>why do you care about the story so much it's DOOM xD
If the developers didn't want me to care about the Super Epic Rip And Tear Huge Guts indepth lore they wouldn't have had cutscenes every 5 minutes explaining Doomguy's blood type

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Ditch bossfights because idsoft seem to incapable of making them fun for some reason.
Ditch flashing green eyes mechanic. Fuck soulsniggers and their rhythm games.
Ditch bloated progression chores.
Unlockable higher difficulties with remixed content like master levels.
Trim down the arsenal.
Female demons with FAT TIDDIES.

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>how can id improve this for their next game?
Better bosses, hammer instead of chainsaw, master levels from start, nightmare having different enemy spawn from uv and lower, more enemies like maykr drones, destroying weak points gives you ammo.

post your UN playthrough

>they are objectively appealing to the r slash gaming/Sony AAA crowd with the franchise
Profound mental retardation
>le responses in advance

>Best FPS ever

I've been playing FPS since they were invented and this game made the whole genre feel fresh again
I'd like to see them bring out a new main Quake title but really focus on making the deathmatch tight

I literally only see posts loving this game or absolutely shitting on it. Why is it so divisive?

there's no room for nuance on this fucking hellscape of a website. Something is either amazing 10/10 GOTYAY or irredeemable shit that should get the creators lynched
no in between

>the latest game in one of the oldest and most famous FPS series
>does a lot of things differently from every other FPS on the market
>if you don't get it, you end up hating it
>if you do, it's fun and addictive as fuck


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I’m by no means a hardcore Doom player but in my book they should have three weapons for the majority of the game: assault rifles, shotgun, and super shotgun with grapple hook. The AR in Eternal sucks dick. I don’t want to change 10000 weapons or use the chainsaw every 5 minutes. I want actual strategy, using the environment, playing dominos with enemies. Eternal was a step in the right direction but still needs work. And no Kaiju shit and a more metal story. Thanks Hugo.

its way too formulaic with boring level design
>linear platforming
>walk into box arena
>kill everything
>linear platforming
>walk into box arena
>kill everything
>linear platforming
even half life 1 surpassed it like 20 years ago. it plays a lot less like doom and more like a gimped quake with DMC level design.

Doom Eternal is designed to filter those who don't like it.

>they should have three weapons for the majority of the game:
No thanks, bro. I'm fed up with 3 weapon limit during 7th gen

>even half life 1 surpassed it like 20 years ago

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>muh assault rifles in Doom
Tom Hall, you were fired for a reason. Heavy Cannon is fine. It's satisfying to kill fodder or prep them for glory kills because every bullet is a big fat glowing projectile and they react satisfyingly to every hit.

>walk into room
>kill demons
>run through empty corridor to grab key card
>walk into room
>kill demons
>hit the end level button

>The Doom Slayer is sent from Heaven to Slay the Khanj Ngahugjr Demons From Hell Because They Are Harvesting Hell Energy To Open A Portal To A New Planet So Doom Slayer (or Doomguy depending on what level you're playing) Has To Kill Two Of The Three Hell Priests Of Khargn Nigur With A Special Weapon And Also There Are Angels And 20 Different Doom Slayer Guys And Here's His Blood Type

Wasn't this a franchise about killing demons?


HL1 didn't surpass shit, it's a completely different game focused on cinematic moment and immersive experience. It's a fine game, but you don't get the kind of complex combat scenarios from it, most enemies only really exist for story reasons.

>HD models

>ESL post
>it’s shit
Imagine my surprise


There are normal weapons and then there are super weapons. The super weapons only exist to kill damage sponge enemies and enemies specifically designed for those weapons uses. By letting the player use them all the time, they cease to be special and noobs can just spam them. Eternal’s biggest problem is enemies are seldom aggressive and let you kill them, again unless they are specifically designed to do so. Starting with a 3 weapon limit forces them to maximize the utility out of them like how thenAR attachment is a de facto sniper. Again, Eternal was a good start but no where deep enough.

I hate that "loop" has become such a common phrase for people these days to describe anything involving gameplay whatsoever. "Combat Loop", "Progression loop", "Reward Loop", the list goes on and it genuinely feels like publishers trying to make things seem more complex than they actually are. Eternal was OK but it felt like they were trying to appeal a certain audience who never had any knowledge of Doom outside of those Steam reviews and Youtube comments that are like
>doomguy: enters room
>demons: confused screaming
>hayden: stop stop hear him out
>doomguy: it ain't much but it's honest work
>hell priests: surprised pikachu face
>angels: heavy metal music starts playing

It never felt organic and I miss that from the older games

wrong image

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>Tom Hall
How did you like my dopefish in Eternal bitch?

I can't decipher what the fuck you're trying to say, so don't embarrass yourself by accusing anyone of being an ESL

I always like dopefish, though I never played Keen. First encountered it in Max Payne, I think.

>yfw next id game isn't qVake but Commander Keen reboot/sequel

How about returning original ammo capacities so you aren't constantly out of ammo?

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>there are both stronger and weaker weapons in an FPS
>and you want to use stronger weapons on stronger enemies
wtf eternalbros... we got p0wned...

Nah, limited ammo is fine and if you aren't playing in a dumb way you don't even run out that often.

Was there really any reason to give Doomguy a voice?

I loved Keen and have been heartbroken ever since the final trilogy became vaporware.

They don’t make you think. They make you think, let me switch to my rocket launcher where I can splash damage enemies even if I suck. The only interactivity in the game world is with you and the mouse wheel. Heaven forbid the game design beyond Hugo’s artificial funzone.

this, it sucks