I admit it

I wish i were a pretty girl

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lemme guess, you always chose to play as a girl when given the choice. amirite?

No. I usually played as a pretty boy on my first playthrough, as a pretty girl in my second one, then as a buff guy, then as a black girl

no, I'd rather stare at a cute ass

No, you're just lonely


I don't watch anime

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People are born trans, because of the chemicals in the water.

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An ancestral desire for the Any Forumsirgin, and for far too long has it been repressed

Within every fugly, transphobic, homophobic, borderline illiterate, and antisocial neckbeard beats the heart of a cute catgirl who wants to get spitroasted

Reddit can only hold down this true desire for so long, before it breaks free

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to be fair, when you look at it logically, attractive females do get it easy in life, so it would be smart to want to have all those privileges. i hope that's your reasoning though, and not because of some zoomer identity politics shit.

this but unironically

Also the baby formula

This board is on par with Any Forums in regards of Any Forumsedditfags. It has become unbearably .

holy based

>beats the heart of a cute catgirl who wants to get spitroasted
stop being addicted to porn

Alex Jones was right..

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Of course, all i want is to be looked at with genuine desire and be given genuine headless love
of course I understand men can't be women and by large most men wouldn't ever pass if they tried to look like women

Also shout out to the tranny mods for leaving this thread up while banning me for every single other off topic thread within seconds

i wish boys could transform into girls easily, that would mean there are more girls in this world for me to rape and kill

>your honor I'm really just playing a character


don't we all?
modern women are awful

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I'll be honest with you guys. It could be an interesting experience to be a girl for like a week or so. But I definitely don't want to live as a woman, they are inferior in every way.

I want to be a cute boy. How can I become cute?

Its not that terrible a thing to admit

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clothes go a long way
but you're kinda fucked if you're too tall, have a very masculine face, very broad shoulders, etc

Is the Ryan Gosling Blade Runner movie even good?