Who is the most flexible video game character? :)

Who is the most flexible video game character? :)

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Honestly I'd never like juri.
She seems like the type of dominant women to wrap her mellon splitting thighs around your head, shove her unshaven pussy in your mouth and force you to eat her out for hours or she would break your skull.

Asian yandere ass was made for BWC

...Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Monsoon, of the Winds of Destruction.

Attached: index.jpg (800x600, 90.75K)


Oooh I can imagine that, lucky bastard

Attached: kirby-forgotten-land.jpg (1920x1080, 249.5K)

rainworld slug

I've run the numbers.

Attached: IB.png (720x405, 44.85K)

the most flexible character would probably be the one who could literally take any shape
but that can't include illusions or transformations because that doesn't really count as flexibility. They have to be deforming their body
Therefore I propose twelve from street fighter 3

Attached: 151[1].gif (151x166, 119.74K)


Attached: f-steiner2-4koma.gif (250x761, 45.16K)

What can be more flexible than a liquid?

Attached: MV5BYTJiMTY0ZGItM2QwZS00YmMyLThmMGUtN2U5ZWM5OWI1MDVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_[1].jpg (640x902, 112.16K)


that has to be the worst perspective i've seen on a drawing

God I wish I were that floor.

You will never be a floor.


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Why would they have human faces when there's nothing else left of their organic body parts