Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Does it show in any way when you play games?

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Im a cow person.


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mini giantess sized elephant woman



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This is the answer.

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I'm an ugly squirrel person

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This is also the answer

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Based fellow Pashmina enjoyer

I don't wish to patrol e621 and rip my cock off going through all the feral deer to find this. So perhaps a spoonful of sauce is something I can negotiate out of you.

Cat person. Still hoping for khajit racial cleanses

bitch is hideous but post more of that ass

>Just puppeting and tweening
Fucking hate this ugly shit

she's so insanely ugly

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Yes, but still deliciously stacked.


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bad dog

I like birds

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Man's Best Fuck of course

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Dogs are generally better pets, but my heart is on team Cat entirely.

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HMOFF is king and no one can convince me otherwise.

why did he do it bros

Poorly trained.
The most addicting thing to dogs is food so if you dont train them proper they basically always get food aggressive.

I can't stand dogs.

but this fucker intentionally poured the water

me but with cats

>I can't stand dogs.
Cat paws typed this post.

Standard husky behavior.
Huskies are notorious for being emotional and dramatic about anything. They're smart, too. A well trained husky can still be a bit of a troublemaker but a poorly trained husky can be straight up vindictive, if not sociopathic. Hate to see it.
