The chief problem with a Dark Souls like game as an "open world game" begins the instant you leave the first room

The chief problem with a Dark Souls like game as an "open world game" begins the instant you leave the first room.

You're immediately introduced to a big, open world. The horizon stretches out in front of you and basically says that you're free to do whatever it is that you want here.

However, this scale effectively means nothing, as your consequences only matter as much as a series of linear paths of action.

Honestly, it isn't clear why these people have "convoys". Or why they're walking along the same pathways forever.
Or why these pathways or even here.

In an effort to make this series of linear paths less monotonous, they give you a horse.

This horse. Er, moose has effectively infinite stamina, works the same regardless of what the terrain is and doesn't need to be controlled any more effectively than being pointed in a certain direction and moving forward. So it effectively just become a fast forward button on a TV remote.

I'm not going to beat a dead giant moose creature, so I'm going to move onto the combat.
And it's here at the first combat encounter, it's revealed that melee weapons and ranged weapons like magic have effectively become the same thing, because of the total lack of consequence of keeping distance between yourself and the enemies.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 31.92K)


Why do facts and logic make fromdrones seethe so hard?

See the what?

When's his game coming out

form your open opinion

Dude could've been the reigning king of youtube criticism but decided to waste years on making some shitty game nobody would play


He can make criticisms as good as he does by understanding games better than every other critic. Naturally he would want to try and apply this to a game of his own, he's always been a big promoter of challenging yourself which trickles through into his preference for games that reward persistence and replays.


What thing? I don't see it lol

im assuming he didnt actually say any of this right?

>Bioshock Infinite is a bad game because it doesn't say NIGGER
How did he get away with it?

That'd be correct.
Because he was right.

>Elden Ring, released in 2022, is the most recent Noby Game, with it's own set of indirect cooperative online features. By having plaers contribute their runes to Marika, her ring gets larger, with the collective goal being to get her ring large enough to encircle the solar system.

Attached: mappymatosis.png (512x512, 131.28K)

I’m not reading all that.

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Why is advertising for your favorite youtuber ok?
Hell, it's probably the guy himself doing it.
Fuck off.

cope and seethe my dude

>issues Matthew noticed all the way back in his DS2 critique are now generally being agreed upon to be bad when carried to their logical extreme in Elden Ring
Apologize. Now.

Attached: DS2 level design.jpg (1920x1080, 348.68K)

he didn't say that, right? congratulations on the impression you did a good job

What issues were those? It's the most Demons Souls Dark Souls game.

not vidya

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Highlight (Ctrl + F) 3 ;)

they'll never apologize, I don't think a youtuber ever mindbroke an entire fanbase harder than what matthewmatosis did to fromdrones

> About 7-8 years old
> Go to the school dressing room (girls and girls together).
> Jeans drill holes as you work
> Jeans do not open
> On the road
> Beckner is also pleased
> The whole class of eggs are in front of them
> Get the pants back
> The teacher suggests that the Navy be "present" in his class
> Call home
> nymphs don't believe
> You need to talk to parents and guardians

Someone might recognize it, but their Beijing time is not the same: D
