Game has double standards

>game has double standards

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semen aren't little tiny people. holy shit.

>game has fucking Twitter screen caps

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>bans masturbation
>rapes increase
>woman self-own

>tfw you commit genocide every day

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How are people this retarded? What’s the correlation with a developing fetus and sperm

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Based. Pornography is a sin. A degenerate hollowing of the world and the soul of man.

I killed millions

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I agree. We should ban periods.

Sperm don't live very long. The natural conclusion to this line of thought is that women would have to be obliged to take men's seed every day.

oh no marie bros

why are leftoid retards so fucking stupid they don't understand what conception is? I guess if they had any intelligence at all they wouldn't be leftoids

A sperm cell isn't even half a person. Its a data packet.

We should also bring back pre arrange marriage. Maybe even state marriage

Sperm dies whether you jack it or not

ban existing
everyone gets free death

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Women are obsessed with killing the unborn. They care more about this than massive inflation, than looming nuclear war, than the fact that our culture at large is unraveling in real time.

The bible says the spilling of seed is a sin so it should be illegal, simple as

if god hates spilling of seed why do wet dreams exist

We should ban menstruation alongside masturbation, what a waste of delicious eggs.

i don't fucking need porn to jerk off, i can use my own mindscape to generate any pornographic scene i wish.
check mate christian.

no, you just need to knock them up on a regular basis. and some more, just to be sure.

These women constantly say that it is sexless virgins that are pushing these rules. Then why aren't they having sex with those virgins to change their minds?

Women are just men if men didn't have a conscience.

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Fetus and sperm aren't alive
That the point

Fuck up you retarded larpnigger vermin.

Conception starts at fertilization. Jacking off is a sin but doesn't violate anyone else's rights.

user right now they can go to jail in case of a miscarriage

Nobody gives a fuck what a bunch of kikes wrote 2000 years ago. Kill yourself retard.

if jacking off is a sin how come god doesn't give me a gf so i can stop jacking off? checkmate christcuck

willingly using a condom literally kills potential children

that's literally the point of his post, yes. He's pretty blatantly implying that treating embryos like people is just as nonsensical as treating sperm like people. Are you really this retarded?

Culture is a disease. Once it as a concept is destroyed the free man will enter a new dawn.
Now say some collectivist shit about jews or nations or something.

>female """"""""""""logic""""""""""""
Alright, then let's band menstruation.

>be me
>be biomedical scientist
>hate everyone

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I definitely feel guilty having to chase all my sperm babies around the bathroom to kill them after I jack off but nobody is gonna take that right from me.

Leftism is a mental illness

>he doesn't know
This nigga still has all of his ribs lmao

>its le sin
There is nothing morally evil about jerking off.
Why do you retards insist on quoting a book that advocated for the slaughter of children, slavery, and child rape?

It's not really that bad of a sin, you can make up for it by taking two passenger pigeons, wringing them, placing them onto an altar and finally burning them for a sweet scent for the LORD. Alternatively, you can sacrifice an entire oxen, but that's far more complex and expensive. I have an entire roost of pigeons just so I can jerk off whenver I want sin-free.

Half of all fertilized eggs don't fully implant.

>sperm is now people
I thought liberals were supposed to heckin love scienxe

Myotismon was right

Gametes do not satisfy known requirements of life, fetuses do.

None of those would be objectively wrong without the Bible.

they are though?

so is christianity

I wonder if this person things that a period is the same thing as abortion

Not conscience, but consequences
Women get away with a lot because we arent allowed to punch them in the throat

wait does that mean god took adam's ribs so that adam could suck his own dick

>known requirements of life,
These requirements are what exactly?

Not really though. Sperm's only half of a potential person.

Stirring your uterus with a coathanger with the specific intent of killing a child is not "a miscarriage."

WHy are you talking about my homestate
Why is this shit on the new
I fucking hate how oklahoma is under fire for this shit.

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it's even easier than that. With the cumming of the lord jesus you can just admit you feel bad about it on your deathbed and boom, forgiven.

You can sin as much as you want your entire life as long as you feel legitimate remorse right before you die and ask for forgiveness. It's literally that easy.

No we need a over a million women impregnated with EVERY sperm in one load for it to not be murder

>abortion & anti-abortion marches for decades in American cities
>abortion & anti-abortions arguments all over news, social media, etc
>people openly state their normative opinions on abortions
>legislatures in Oklahoma think their constituents wants more restrictions on abortions
hurr durr, but why don't the legislatures try to ban something that no one argues about in public?

Since when do men have a conscience?

Is god maryiln manson?

Reminder that this is all the fault of tribalists who are so obsessed with lineage that they treate breeding women like gods. If nobody cared about that shit then women would either know their limits or strive to go beyond them. Right now the average woman is too comfy for that despite being hopelessly outmatched by nearly every man.

The same reason why god put the male g-spot in our anus. He just enjoys fucking with us.

>haploid cells are the same as developing humans
fucking retarded

doesn't really matter whether the twitter fag is correct or not, the point is that the OP was so fucking dense that he couldn't pick up on sarcasm so blatant you could cut it with a knife.

But I'm perfect and never sinned

your womb breaking itself monthly against your will is not the same

is tis the thread where I pretend to be a drooling retard schizo sperg?

>playing on easy mode
i bet you don't even sprinkle oxen blood on your altar for the LORD daily, fucking faggot

you need to go back to school dumbass

You're literally retarded.

That's every thread

until his music started to suck yes

That's not what happened.

im serious, someone was having a misscarriage and barely was able to get the required medicine cuz they were asking a shit ton of quiestions to be sure she was not aborting

Whatever mental gymnastics that help you live with your choices, chachi

It’s not real retart . Its Twitter The real question is how can you be so stupid to believe this

You kill literally billions of lives every time you brush your teeth

>pro abortion retard is a retard
nothing new to see here

The argument would only make sense if women were punished for having periods. It's a shitty comparison that only disingenuous retards make.

>religion is real
>only reply will be hat tip maymay

But women are being punished for having a miscarriage.

Maybe other women shouldn't lie and create a huge atmosphere of mistrust.