What is your favorite vidya game movie adaptation?

What is your favorite vidya game movie adaptation?

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There's not a single good one

probably tomb raider 2001 with angelina jolie

die hard

The original Mario bros movie is genuinely entertaining.

Is that Grunty? She's a cutie.
She's much prettier than Tootie.

Sonic OVA

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Sonic, i thought it was a legit fun movie

Mario Bros is the best. Street Fighter is awful, but carried by some funny performances. Mortal Kombat is better, but falls apart after Goro dies.


unfathomably based pick

thanks for validating my taste

Silent Hill
Both Sanics

I like street fighter it’s campy as hell and has nothing in common with the games beyond names, but Raul and Jean Claude are both flawless.

It's probably gonna be Sonic 3, but that's only because I have massive Sonic brainrot and the director for those movies is almost as autistic as the fanbase

Banjo was never good.

imagine misunderstanding the most fundamental aspect of video games.

Mortal Kombat and Annihilation were very good, not so serious movie adaptations

Unironically. Is there a non-zero chance of Shulk getting her own videogame now?

Yeah, my biggest problem with the movie was that it isn't really a direct adaptation. But I think today, I would just find it more entertaining than whatever the new Super Mario movie is going to be.

Detective Pikachu.
Granted that I am not the biggest fan. But the movie genuinely respects the Pokemon world and setting. The setting as presented in the movie is no lesser than the setting from the actual games. And that's honestly pretty extraordinary for a videogame adaptation.
Also the female co-star had sexy thighs and hips and wore sexy pants for most of the movie that accentuated her ass.