What am I in for?

What am I in for?

>finished Revelations a while ago and completely forgot what happened

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not even the first game, with how repetitive it gets, was as boring as this game's first half. i was watching my fuckin' normalfag of a brother—guy who only plays big hits and stuff—ride around town for a mission on a horse and just said out loud "this is so boring".

Who said that, you or your brother?

an easy as fuck game

>What am I in for?
absolute drudgery.

Worst mc in gaming history
Unappealing american forests and architecture and winter and so much more

The setting is cool and I even like the native American assassin, but it's unpolished and wonky compared to every other AC aside from Unity of course

This was my biggest disappointment. I never preordered a game after this one. So much wasted potential.

Unity being the worst game ever released on pc thanks to dev team considering optimization as an affront to their artistic vision.

Minimum requirements at launch: best gpu from 2 years ago lol

play the remastered version.

Yeah I'm an hour in and it seems like its the driest. First hour of Revelations was great. And somehow 3 looks worse. It think its because of how boring the architecture is

A mutt helping george washington to get the independence of the us, all so multicultural and woke

*collects 40 bear asses and other clutter to go crafting*
*does a million synchronize viewpoints*
*upgrades homestead*
*sails around in a boat*
*finds out who my father is*
*collects more clutter to add to my codex*

Pic related is the only good thing about this game. if I was you I'd just leave the AC series with Revelations being the last one you played.

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imagine being a bootlicker assjuice slurping faggot you give a fuck about this shit, american independence might as well be done by satan himself and it won't make any difference.

Expect a decent story but one of the worst AC games gameplay and content wise. Also you will hate the ending if you cared about the ancient aliums/secret history plotline they built up in 1 and 2.

2 is still the peak of the franchise. 3 began the decline of the franchise. Unity and Syndicate never reach the highs of 2. 4 is fun but only because it took the only fun part of 3 and made it it's own spin-off. Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla just try too hard to be open world loot based RPGs with soulsborne combat.

Currently have 1 through Revelations, 3, 4, and Syndicate

and if you like haytham make sure to play rogue because you get to go kill adewale with him

The only thing redeeming about the game at the time was the ship parts, which were only bad in that the whole game wasn't about them.

So they made black flag which was a great pirate game except for the assassins creed parts tacked on.

This was the first sign of the fall of the franchise. The quality and novelty had worn off to the point that a gimmick got turned into a whole game. The next few installments were either broken buggy messes or utterly forgettable. But to keep milking the franchise they've moved on to pure fantasy and tossed the pretense of historical accuracy out, which was such a neat part of the first two games.


Keep going user, at least until the... well, you'll know when you get there. The start was slow for me too but then that part happened and I was hooked until the end.

>5th game in the series
>the first six sequences are a tutorial

Well if you already have the games might as well go for it. There is a boat mechanic in AC3, if you like that boat stuff then 4 will be a really good game for you although a lot of the "assassin" missions are aids. Again if you like boat mechanic and 4 definitely get Rogue. Many people shit on Syndicate but I like the setting very much. it was one of the few games after beating I turned off all huds and just explored the areas.

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The remaster removed all the piss filters which alone makes it worth it.

Remaster looks like shit though.

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Now post the towns.

Original added a piss filter, remaster just switched it out for less saturated pallet