This will be the first femcel protagonist in video game history

This will be the first femcel protagonist in video game history.

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>Had a husband and children

there's no such thing as a femcel

What's a femcel?

Stop double posting OP.

There is no such thing.


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Not OP. I just asked what a femcel is. I never heard of that word before.

A female incel, something that doesnt actually exist but women must invade spaces even spaces they dont want to be in.

Wait a minute...

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the porn will be so fucking hot

femcels look like (*gulp) THAT?

And i will protect her

Oh, no, no, they are so much fatter. Ask r/femaledatingstrategy, or any femcel subreddit for a photo, and see what they look like for an example. Luckily, these developers seem to understand that truly grotesque protagonists are not what people want to play as (to an extent that will hurt sales), so that's prevented, luckily.

But isn't she supposedly have (or had) a husband and children?
Are you fucking idiot?

femcels exist, even though the odds are better for them (fewer examples per 1000, even if you match them against equivalent males with equal defects) and femcels will finally lose their virginity as younger ages than the male counterpart. An easy analogy to see why it isn't impossible would be how there are obviously some male incels who look like they theoretically shouldn't have a problem but are struggling. Then you have really bad cases.

The male incel depression spiral is probably worse, since escaping inceldom requires NOT giving up in a much more thourough way than women. The expectations of society is a constant message of "become good enough" without any guidance how long it will take for you or if you will ever make it.

Women face their own "become good enough" messages with regards to beauty standards, but it's easier for them to tick enough of those boxes, maybe get sad and give up after still not finding someone, and then still escape years later by waiting it out.

Do you think they gave ellie a lesbian love interest so that she wouldn't be a virgin?

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>escape later
Cat ladies aren't escaping anything

lmfao. The funny thing is that this makes perfect sense from the perspective of movies/magazines (especially women's magazines). Within popular culture, the idea of reaching 18 while still "trying" to lose your virginity is always characterized as an extremely abnormal state of nature.

what game

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My wife????

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Who the fuck is this meant to appeal to? It alienates the core fanbase. Its a sad portrayal of what the opposing side believes to be a tragic thing and will probably have a less than favorable or satirical spin on it. You can't net the California faggot or hard-left side because they would never want to be shown like this. Is there some third force who makes these crappy decisions?

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But Ellie is still a virgin

I unironically understand them.


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Some percentage of women (250 lbs or not) will never online date, or never seek "no strings attached", or never seek sex without a reasonably clean, committed partner, or etc...

femcel/incel is such a stupid label to begin with, since either gender might get unlucky and face miserable loneliness before they finally "escape" (perhaps by doing one of those things I mentioned). But since there is always another guy/girl who hasn't "escaped" yet there will never not be femcels/incels.

Remember, if the 250 lb woman has sex with a guy with problems (sex addict, drug user, criminal, mental patient, whatever) she might be "happy" with a couple weeks/month of sex, but then go back to her problems of being miserably alone because she doesn't want to be with him. Some unlucky ones will be miserably alone their whole lives, but they've "permanently" escaped being a femcel due to availability of random dudes like in the emails.

>But Ellie is still a virgin
didn't she lose her lesbian virginity?

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>tells you to have sex, incel
wat do?

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Skimmed your post, saw the first few words of the second sentence, instantly knew you were saying something retarded, and stopped reading.

lol. lmao.