I want to play this, what does Any Forums think about it?

I want to play this, what does Any Forums think about it?

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it's one of the games ever made

It's honestly one of the most games

I liked it. accidentally fucked the skeleton, though. Didn't realize those dialogue options would go that far.

The best thing about this game was also the worst thing for me.

Too much dialogue. I like to exhaust all the dialogue options with NPCs before I quest, but this can take a very long time in certain areas. It’s even more annoying because NPCs can tell you important things for other quests. However, it is nice to be in a game where you can engage with so many NPCs.

Everything else is what you’d expect for a tactical RPG.

its the game i've ever played in a while honestly

mediocre with shoehorned jokes every 5 minutes
like all previous larian games

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boring as fuck

First one was better, the armor system really gimped how fun the elemental combinations were and made the game a lot more generic. Still fun with friends. BG3 is way better so far though, definitely the best CRPG in terms of gameplay at least wiht Solasta right behind it.

>the armor system really gimped how fun the elemental combinations were

Not everyone wants to spam stuns to cheese every fight.

Honestly one of the finest games of amongst its peers.
People who hate turn based games should play this to finally see the light.

Pathfinder is better

great combat with lots of strategizing
intricately designed environments, they also look good
lots of ways to specialize your characters
some actual cool puzzles
you can be a lizard or a bone guy or both

gear feels really unrewarding; feels like modern MMO gearing
difficulty occasionally peaks like mt fucking everest
characters are forgettable
you hear the same voice lines nine quadrillion times over
you basically absolutely need a hydromancer for healing

overall good but the lack of memorable characters feels like the worst part

Divinity 2 is just strip armor as fast as possible so you can stun as fast as possible, though
I like it btw

What characters did you play with?
Ifan is kino
Sebille was honestly pretty good

They are the two I played with the first time I beat it
Lohse also has the best quest and reward with her song

Red Prince is ok but I don't find the joke funny enough to take him, not sure where he goes
Beast is absolutely forgettable
Fane is ok but meh

a fun game with lizard race

nta but I dislike the armor system for as it discourages mixed damage builds; if you dig through all of a dudes physical armor then there's almost no point switching to magical attacks because you've got to go through an entirely separate armor pool to start getting HP.

Almost every fight has enemies with high physical but low magical armor and vice versa. You can usually work through it. I've never played a tryhard build and its fine

combat is extremely fun

You can but it's still annoying, I really like playing spellsword type characters in games but whenever I try that in divinity 2 I give up pretty early in after constantly hitting that problem. Apparently I'm not the only one who's had that issue as there's a mod that combines them into a single armor pool and then applies the individual values as resistances.

>Red Prince is ok but I don't find the joke funny enough to take him

Red Prince is not how he appears on the ship. He is level headed and surprisingly likable. Being wealthy and spoiled is not his entire character.

act 1 is basically a perfectly made game on all counts. But after that, due to the length of the game, the flaws become really frustrating, including
>the turn based combat that also have very slow animations makes you want to kill yourself long before game is over
>main plot stops existing after act 1, which is only like 15% of the game
>horrible item bloat designed to just waste your time with a gazillion identical looking pieces of equipment that only differ in numbers(which inflate exponentially), and another gazillion crafting items you have to rummage through every inch of the screen for
but it's still one of the best modern crpg's and worth playing

I had almost a 50/50 damage type group and had no problem.