Play earthbound for the first time

>play earthbound for the first time
>first enemy is a runaway dog
>forced to bash it to death
wtf nintendo

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I fucking hate dogs, I wish I could put a gun to the head of every yapping mutt and blow their brains over the sidewalk in front of their horrified owners.
Fuck dogs.

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I mean, it was made by Japanese people

This man was raped by a dog

In all fairness, if a bunch of kids got attacked by a stray dog and they beat it to death I'd probably give them a congratulations. Animals don't play by our rules so you get to play by the animal's rules. And it's a doggy dog world out there.

is video game dogs good for you?

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Close, my brother and sister were bitten by a rabies-infested street mutt when they were 2 and 5.

are they OK now?

of course

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>see this for the first time
>want to fuck cartoon dogs now
wtf disney

Are dalmations really expensive because of that movie? I barely ever see them around, unless they're just a hard dog to take care of

They're expensive because like most inbred dogs it's hard to get that spot decoration. And they are extremely stupid. We're talking omega levels of dumb as fuck.

>I fucking hate dogs, I wish I could put a gun to the head of every yapping mutt and blow their brains over the sidewalk in front of their horrified owners.
>Fuck dogs.

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dogs are OK to own if you live rurally. And they must be left outside. Faggots who let their dog rule the house, sleep in bed with them, or let them lick / slobber on you are truly subhuman.

You smell like shit, and your house smells like shit. You are disgusting

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t. Muhammad

the enemies don't die, they become tame

t.shares bed with a subhuman animal and smells like shit.

I'm talking about your wife btw. Or smelly boomer parents caked in dog smell

t. Cruella Da Vile

Why do I know exactly how this thread is going to go based off the image?
Also F for all the e621 lads we lost for the Martha Speaks image comments section. I hope someone archived it.

Yeah they got their shots.