Leaks the TF2 source code and creates the years-long bot issues which have effectively killed the game

>leaks the TF2 source code and creates the years-long bot issues which have effectively killed the game
What the actual FUCK was his problem?

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Did he really leaked the code?

>have effectively killed the game

I've been playing the game for 10 years, it's fine and there are zero bots on community servers, which are apparently a retard filter.

Cant blame valve for telling their fans to fuck off when people like Tyler McNigger make up the majority of their audience

Unironicall yes

Thanks for the source code faggot!

>32 man
>24/7 2fort nocappingallowed
I'll pass. All the good 24 man servers with either a good rotation or 24/7 of the maps I like are long gone.

we know that he has been part of the group that ultimately leaked the source code, so he definitely knew about source code being in the wild
keep in mind that he kept sending emails to Valve about some mods potentially using Valve code or assets from other Valve games or leaked alpha/beta for breaking NDA or something like that, I'm not into legal stuff, because the modders refused to suck his cock

I want to believe

Can you prove it somehow????

This dude is leggit mentally ill.

Valve dont want to work on it anymore because of all the bots. Making an update would been pouring millions into fixing a game which is basically already on autopilot. The Jungle Inferno update is basically confirmed to be their last.

hideous fucking mutt

You think it would cost millions for Valve to start charging money for the game again? Because that's how you solve this overnight.

That red t-shirt makes him look like nikocado

It's cause he has daddy issues and hates valve now.

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I used to enjoy his content, but then I noticed he just does clickbait and is responsible for killing TF2.
How did he get away with that? Valve knows he leaked the source code.

He seems like he has a lot of evil in him, pure malicious, venomous tard anger and hate.

I remember when he was struggling to make a living... where have those days gone?

>Cant blame valve for telling their fans to fuck off when people like Tyler McNigger make up the majority of their audience
Yeah, he's truly insufferable.
I tried to watch his videos a couple times, just because I wanted some yt channel that covered Valve, and I just could not take him for more than a couple days. It's just intense fanboyism with no apt content.

Tyler McNigger

the only people who play tf2 are poor fags and 3rd world shitskins who can't afford a better game. charging for it would kill the game

reminder he has a tranny brother

a tranny sister*

>only ever played TF2 on the Xbox 360

Feels great

>fps with a controller

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>Leaks the TF2 source code and contributes to the creation of a project that fixes the spaghetti code and massively improves performance, just waiting for Valve to endorse it
I dunno sounds pretty based to me

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Valve is the most passive entity on earth



can it get any more cursed than this?

uuuh don't be a bigot, bro
he's a she now

Reminder he can no longer call himself VNN because Valve legal came down hard on him for streaming a leaked development build of HLA.

The reason they don't come down on him for the TF2 source code is because, though connected to the leak, he wasn't the "ringleader" so he's considered too small for them to bother.

HH brother

Didn't he used to be on sort of okay terms with Valve? How could he throw that all away?

Surprising that his tranny sibling is not the most mentally ill member of their family

>brother is an autist and gets all the attention
>decide to be tranny to try and get in on some of it
>still get no attention from mom and dad because that's just how autistic he is
Many such cases

>company is lenient with modding, doesn't sell out, doesn't jew its playerbase, hires good modders and took PC gaming from its dark ages
>gets constantly attacked by hackers who leak their code
gaming doesn't deserve valve
Gamers constantly complain about shitty companies like EA and Ubisoft doing so well, but the truth is gamers are just as shitty

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>tried to introduce paid mods
Nah fuck that guy.

If Tyler withheld the source code you fags would all be whining about how he's an attention whore data hoarder and how many based TF2 mods we could have if only McNigger would release the source code.

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>tried to help modders who barely scrape by to get some form of payment
yet again gamers showing what a bunch of beggars they are

>defending paid mods

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