Why elden shit didn't have any cool areas like this?

Why elden shit didn't have any cool areas like this?

Attached: 614690.jpg (3065x1909, 736.56K)

Because it's European. and as a consequence, white.

Why are Tolkienfags the biggest cock munchers on the planet?


it literally does, it completely rips off rivendell and I'm amazed the tolkien estate hasn't filed a lawsuit yet.

what area in game.

the arrogance that comes with mogging anything the video game industry has ever tried to vomit out

Are you serious? Haligtree town is a copy-paste of rivendell, down to the minutest detail. It's absolutely shameless.

Attached: HaligtreeTown.jpg (1000x749, 143.26K)

haligtree's architecture is literally this though

Play the game. This is literally in the game.

Hey looks it's Elphael


Attached: haligtree elden ring.png (1920x1080, 3.86M)

This, though of course in modern cynicism fashion its Rivendell but corrupted and destroyed.

this is gothic with some kind of eastern influence. not evocative of elven architecture at all.

Upper haligtree is a better example

>not evocative of elven architecture at all.
Yeah, all those historical elven ruins near Chicago look nothing like that I bet

OP you absolute douche.

Attached: 20220309185919_1.jpg (1600x900, 373.63K)

that’s precisely the problem
they get the visuals right but the soul is empty

Is this the council of Elrond?

Haligtree looked really nice and... well... then ypu explore it and realize how shit it is, like Demons Ruins world in Dark Souls .

that's literally haligtree town though