Well Any Forums? Will you take the Wario pill?

Well Any Forums? Will you take the Wario pill?

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Yeah yeah we all watched the soup video very funny

What does it taste like?

Yeah yeah we all know you are fucking smart ass, you retarded cunt, you must be the souls of the party sheesh

genuinely have no idea what you're talking about


The what?

flintstone vitamins



Aint that molly?


I'll take it if it's an eccy

Judging by the pressing, the flecks of color, and the filename, I would say this is X. Never had any Nintendo themed ones, but I would totally take the Wario pill.

It's a chewable tablet sold to children so it's 99% sugar

Is that chewable

Is that snortable

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I'm gonna do MDMA in afew days. gonna fuck my girlfriend in a hotel room and go to a concert. Ive done it before but dubs gets to decide my dose. please dont kill me

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There's no dubs on Any Forums you fucking degenerate druggie fuck


Nah sorry wario I stick to psychedelics

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literally what

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I have depersonalization from a bad weed trip I had nearly a week ago. I haven't had any since then, yet the effect still lingers. Will having a small dose help me recover, or should I just stay away

Oh yeah? Check out these sweet zeroes.

>no dubs?
thats fucking stupid. ill just take a whatever then fuck u fags

depends, is it based?

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do a candy flip, pop a molly and square of LSD at the same time

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this 5 says take the wario pill

when I was a teenager I abused Molly and ecstasy and looking back it was the worst decision of my life. My serotonin is still fucked to this day. There’s nothing cool about it please don’t take it.

add some shrooms and a 24 pack of pabst

i did that once. the mdma overpowered the acid

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pepperoni dogfart

What do you mean the effect still lingers? Idk I've had panic attacks on weed before so now I just do smaller amounts of it, if you're worried about it fucking you up then I wouldn't take more but I don't really understand what you mean