If Missingno...

If Missingno. is a reference to the internal Pokedex "missing" the number because they removed certain Pokemon to limit filesize, shouldn't it be "Missingnu." instead?
Or is it "Missing Nombre" as Spanish is referenced with the Legendary Bird Trio, names ending in 'uno', 'dos', and 'tres'?
Really something to think about...

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Maybe is missing number zero my negro friend

The "." at the end is the key. "no." is the common abbreviation for "number"
Ex: "No. 2 pencil"

Then it would be "MissingNu0.
No, it's 1 pencils/.

It's a reference to Miss Ingno, the unrequited love of one of the developers, who couldn't even remember her face anymore after she died sky diving over the ocean 20 years prior, also explaining the pokemon's moveset.

Missingno. isn't a reference to anything it's an error handler for a Pokemon loaded from a numerical slot in the game's data that doesn't actually have a Pokemon assigned to it

Well the first problem is nothing you said is true, that's not what caused the glitch.

From google:
>In the early Pokémon video games, the programmers had to use variables to refer to different Pokémon by number. Variable sizes must be powers of two. The smallest variable they were able to use was the size of one byte—that is, capable of holding any value from 0 to 255 with zero counting as a slot. (The next smallest size could only hold 0 to 127, which would not have been enough for all 151 Pokémon.) Because there are only 151 legitimate Pokémon in Generation I, this left 105 slots unoccupied. 37% of these are occupied by empty slots named MissingNo., 53% are trainers (this is the reason why "wild" trainers are sometimes found on the coastline of Cinnabar Island), and the rest are other glitch Pokémon.

>Unlike most glitch Pokémon, whose names consist of data cobbled together from random locations, MissingNo.'s name is clearly a deliberately-added abbreviation of "missing number". This is because "MissingNo." was added as a name for the empty slots to avoid the game crashing if a glitch Pokémon was encountered.

There was no pokemon removed due to file size, it's an error programmed in so that if the wrong value was pulled when encountering a wild pokemon the game wouldn't crash, instead it would say "missing no" for "missing number".

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Did you even read what I said, readtard?

>it's an error programmed in so that if the wrong value was pulled when encountering a wild pokemon the game wouldn't crash
Learn something about the development before actually commenting? The "dexcut" happened waaay back in Gen 1 before SwSh was even imagined.

The slots MissingNo occupies aren't from "removed" Pokemon. That's what people take issue with in your post.

I did read fucking idiot. And you're still wrong and still retarded.
The missingno wasn't due to a dexcut. It was an error code for when any unused number was drawn up in an encounter.

>when any unused number
such as when it was referencing a Pokemon that was removed from the game because the GB cartridge only had so much space.
Jesus Christ you're all fucking morons.

>There was no pokemon removed due to file size
Not due to file size, no, but devs and in dev versions of the games have confirmed they purposely held 39 back for Gen 2. Some of which were never actually ever sen again.

Missingno. only appears in slots they had formatted up to 190. The other 65 slots pull junk data based on encounter tables (which can include your name when going through the old man because your name gets stored in encounter slots temporarily).

No moron the Missingno. aren't part of some dexcut conspiracy
This has been backed up via developer interviews and actual evidence from the leaked beta stuff a while back

Number is abbreviated as No.

>actual evidence from the leaked beta stuff
Like Pokemon that were programmed in, and then removed.
Get the fuck out of my thread fart huffer.


Literally the opposite of that is true. THey were entered in order of creation in Gen 1.

You can see in the index that there were originally 190 and Missingno. only appears in 39 of the slots up to 190. It also then explains why Mew - the one we KNOW was created last - is early in the dex. They filled one of the Missingno. back in with it.

Morimoto confirmed there were 190 and the development leaks show many early ones. So I don't know how you have assumed otherwise when it's stated to be the opposite.

>OP starts thread with a retarded observation
>immediately pivots to defending his retarded generalization of why Missingno shows up when called on it

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Also by literally anyone who has looked through the code to figure out how the game worked and how the glitch happened.

It's name is just an error message. Even if they'd added more pokemon there still would have been empty numbers that would need to have "missing number" added as a placeholder.

But there's hardly room for the other data for more pokemon, the game was a miracle in how compact it was.

I also forgot to mention no queers in my thread.
Get out now, or else.

It's always great watching a retard triple down.

>le anime is... le TRANIME!
Anime website, faggot.

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>Like Pokemon that were programmed in, and then removed.
They weren't programmed nor were they removed
The Pokemon that were "removed" were just merged or replaced by what we have today the left over slots in data exist just like they would in any game and Missingno. exists as an error handler to prevent the game from malfunctioning if the game somehow calls on these slots for data
There's been thousands of Youtube videos speculating on this and going into detail with evidence that shoots this theory down completely

Did I bring up anime? Insecure faggot, it's not about posting animemes, it's your gay ass attitude.

He thinks there's a grand conspiracy to the dex cut or some shit. Of fucking course they cut pokemon from gen1, there's so much shit packed into such a small amount of data it's a miracle it wasn't even more buggy and that they could handle more than 50 pokemon.

Every fucking game has cut enemies. Shit just isn't finished, doesn't work, isn't balanced, etc. Most of the cut pokemon were pushed to gen 2.

OP needs to take his meds.

You're calling me gay for telling you that you're wrong. And being sarcastic. Do you know what Any Forums is?

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