What the FUCK is his problem

what the FUCK is his problem

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An homosexual french


a black scott

receding hairline

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no but seriously, what the fuck is the conaghers problem?

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they're just good ol' texas boys doin' an honest day's work to earn their keep


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literally me (except that i still miss most of my shots and i am most likely to die from the first scout too)

People who say Engineer is the most sane mercenary because he has 11 PhDs keep forgetting this man literally cut off his own hand and replaced it with a robot one.

Scout is the most sane mercenary.

No, pretty sure that'd be spy. He's nowhere close the level of crazy the others have.

Demo is the most sane.

Spy is a homicidal maniac, egomaniac

Most sane mercenary is Heavy, he was harahly treated and only wants to keep his family safe by working an honest job (murdering people)


Demo is literally drunk all the time. He ain't sane.
Heavy is only sane when he's outside combat. When he's fighting, he's the guy screaming about baby men who shoves wrenches down people's throats and rips off their fingers.

Life or death combat is a pretty good excuse to act like that, especially considering his size, he's a huge target and has to be aggressive to survive

Who needs hair with a goddamn Adonis jawline like that?

spy and sniper are the most sane to be desu

Spy is litetally a classical psychopath, are you mad? Both him and Sniper are nuts, only difference is Sniper treats the killing as a job while Spy is under so many layers of backstabbing all the time that his entire person is taking advantage of people.

A practical one