Can someone redpill me on the original final fantasy 7?

Can someone redpill me on the original final fantasy 7?

I'm a zoomer and quite frankly I don't understand how this is even considered to be one of the best video games of the past.

Are boomers stuck under a veil of nostalgia that makes them think everything in the past was amazing?

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Ah, Final Fantasy VII, soul

It was great for the time. The cast of characters and soundtrack are great. I much prefer the re-release on PS4/Steam, but the PC version is good too.

why do you guys keep posting this cherrypicked webm unironically
why not point out the actual flaws with the battle system instead

Give it 20 years and you'll be reminiscing at how Minecraft and Fortnite were some of the "best video games of the past"

Yes. Just as zoomers are stuck under a veil of nostalgia that makes them think everything in the past was amazing.

im literally 22 and i think its good and didn't even play as it as a kid, my first playthrough was only a few years ago. Its a timeless classic and is impressive that they fit the entirety on the ps1.

What's your favorite video game?
I'm gonna say it's Halo, just for argument's sake.

Now, you love Halo, right? Play it every day, know it inside and out, huge Halo fan.
Now let's say Bungie (who doesn't do Halo anymore, I know, but bear with me) made a Halo sequel that was so mind-blowing, so astronomically better than any Halo that had ever come before, that you can no longer imagine playing Halo the old way any longer. You *thought* you knew what Halo was, but here's this new one, and in every possible way it is to blow out expectations for what a video game even is on a fundamental level, the new Halo did it.

Then, flash ahead 30 years. Some new kids are complaining about the New Halo. They can't see why it was so mind-blowing, because everything it does has been so thoroughly assimilated into the basic structure of what a video game is, that they literally can't imagine what a video game is, without imagining the breakthroughs the new Halo game brought.

That's what the original FF7 was like.

this was when every final fantasy before 7 was 2d. it is not good by today's gaming standards but at the time, it was revolutionary. 3d graphics, especially on consoles, were not great before the ps1/n64 era.

I played it not that long ago, I'm pretty young, and didn't grow up in the generation that transitioned to 3D graphics, I grew up on the N64 and the 6th gen consoles. So the "Wow everything is in 3D now!" factor had zero impact on my ability to enjoy the game.

The game itself is mostly okay. Controls are dogshit, I played this game on a PS1 with the original D-Pad and holy shit it fucking sucked. Whenever you reach a wall you stop dead in your tracks and because of how zoomed out the camera can be at times, you never know what's a boundary or not. Especially on cliffsides during the final dungeon where the floor is broken up.

The battle system is pathetically easy, though through some discussion I've been told it's one of it's strengths. None of the characters are unique in the sense that they do certain things well over others, other than Vincent with his high magic stat. The materia system left me wanting more out of the customization, it felt so limiting having to have certain gear limit how many spells you can use at a time.

Graphics? Pffff the models are so fucking ugly, to the point I couldn't take this game seriously. The pre rendered backgrounds look amazing but as stated above with the controls, they make for terrible level design. Cool to look at though. I'm not touching on the music, every piece is great and I wouldn't add anything constructive

Overall? FF7 is just okay to me, I might play it again to refresh my memory of it but there are other RPG's I'd rather play, and praise for that matter that came out around the same time.

>why do you guys keep posting this cherrypicked webm unironically
Its bait. Guarabteed replies so they post it for (you)s
>why not point out the actual flaws with the battle system instead
I don't think anyone else on Any Forums has even played FFVII, and definitely not recently. Every thread I see the majority of people still think Cloud is a clone.

>this was when every final fantasy before 7 was 2d
People tend to forget that the marketing Square chose to use in the West was all CG cutscenes/zero gameplay, the audience they reached didn't even know what JRPGs were, there were very little people who actually knew about Final Fantasy. This game wasn't just the most famous JRPG at the time, it broke through that barrier to become the most famous GAME in general because of the well timed release and well strategized use of advertising. Zoomers nowadays look at the gameplay and the Popeye field models and don't get it, and it's because they're not even seeing what the people who played at the time fell in love with. Of course, the game stood the test of time in people's mind because it was a quality product in general, but everyone has to acknowledge the first impression was seeing Cloud riding a motorcycle and not Cloud pressing attack on Rufus 30 times.

Great OST, engaging plot, beautiful prerendered graphics, 90s atmosphere.

Normalfags didn't play PC games and all game journos are normalfags.

But then again, even comparing to console games within the same generation it's just nowhere near the best or most innovative.

There's nothing to redpill, it's the AAA cinematic dogshit of its time, always has been, that's what FF was about since the SNES.
>Are boomers stuck under a veil of nostalgia
Most people are, you will probably be too in twenty years or so.
The thing is most people are casuals, and FFVII is THE casual game of its time, much like Chrono Trigger, or to make a modern example, Persona 5, same exact kind of shit.
Your generation unfortunately lives in the shadow of mine, so you're forced to deal with decades of propaganda and circlejerks of old casuals painting this slop as the second coming of christ when it's actually a pretty shitty game all in all, with its only call to fame being the massive budget wasted on ads and graphics that did not age well, and believe me, a lot of people from my generation are just as puzzled as you, we've been puzzled for decades.

>blow out expectations for what a video game even is on a fundamental level
Super Mario Bros
Final Fantasy 7
Grand Theft Auto 3

and then video games as an art form ended in the 7th console generation and it never happened again. everything since has been derivative corporate commodities and not a passionate creation born from artistic vision. Minecraft was almost it but it was absorbed into the machine. This marked the final death of video games

Yes, whatever game you thought of as the exception is trash. I can already hear you furiously typing your reply but you’re objectively wrong. Im sorry you had to find out this way

as a child all I played was mascot platformers. I had no interest in humanoid characters or their stories, things had to be cartoons.
the only thing I had seen of Final Fantasy as a series for a long time was some wedding scene around the time of guitar hero 1 and 2.
it took kingdom hearts 2 for me to start playing games featuring anime boys. I still haven't really played ff7.

Final Fantasy had soul. So, the answer is, atmosphere.

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Your generation thinks Last of Us is great writing.

You have zero moral authority to judge other generations.

7 was baby's first taste of anime, so despite being worse than the other ps1 games and all of the previous ones except 2 and spinoffs they think it was groundbreaking.

>as a child
I hate time. Make it stop.

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If everyone who posts this stupid fucking webm took the cyanide pill the world would be a better place.

my first console was a sega genesis, but I'm on like the edge between millenial and gen z. 26

yeah so basically a tiny baby

I'll accept that but zoomers seem even younger to me.

I'm almost 40 and FF7 was and is shit. It wasn't a "cultural phenomena" it was quite simply the first video game with over a 100 million dollar ad campaign, a dishonest one at that because they only advertised the CGI cut scenes. The character models were a bit of a joke even at the time in 1997. It looked shitty and ridiculous. The buzz about it comes from a very loud and autistic fan base of midwit dudes my age that never read a book and were absolutely mind blown by babbys first shonenshit anime wank when they were 14. What is really puzzling to me is people half my age jerking off to this game that literally has no merits today with how horribly its visuals have aged, the most brain dead "gameplay" possible and a story worse than any of the adult swim anime shit they've watched. Its whole draw in 1997 was "look at these crazy new "3D" graphical legos!" Its literally just ironic shitposting to pretend you like this game if you are not one of those balding weebs who probably lived in the FF7 house.

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This. It wasn't even the best JRPG on the PS1. Not even close.

FF7 was the first trannie movie game that preached a faggot leftist sermon to kids. It was the first over marketed, under developed AAA trash. It contained THE FIRST depictions or allusions to homosexual sex I'd ever seen in my life as a kid in 1997. The only thing worse that TLOU2 does than this game is its realistic graphical depiction of faggot butt fucking which was impossible in the 90s. Hippy commune, eco-terrorist shit aside, lets take a look at the first few hours of FF7.

>your childhood mutual crush and obvious love interest now lives with big terrorist nigger man in a bar
>she goes off dressed as a total whore to milk "information" out of a gang banger
>you go to save her with the help of a "flower girl" who suggests you cross dress to do this
>you go around the whore district gathering your trap kit so you can seduce I mean interrogate a man
>during this you get a "rub down" in a hot tub full of gay body builders. I'm serious.
>then when its time to seduce the Don you get dialogue options that allow you to be a full on thirsty faggot
>the implication is that you would have bounced your boi pussy on his dick if you weren't interrupted by the two girls you're supposed to like.

Being a fan of this game automatically makes you a cuck, a trannie or both.

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What 3rd world shit hole are you from to be 26 with a Sega Genesis as a kid?