What went so fucking wrong?

>Current Players: 1
>30-Day Avg: 2
>364 reviews

Attached: Wonderful 101.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

Nothing fun game and unique art but not appreciated. It's pure game no agenda or movie shit.

Platinum has always sucked

The fact that some people still believe it's some kind of RTS game should tell you a lot.
Personally it's one of my favorite games of all time.

completely unappealing on every front

I wonder what would have happend if they went with kamiya's original project, a beat em up/hack n slash version of smash bros with nintendo characters replacing the sentai heroes

I avoid games when Any Forums praises them too much. TW101 is one of such games.

cause it's an old single player game. it's not something that's supposed to played all the time

>not everyone likes powerrangers things
wasn't that released years after the original?
i ain't buying shit on pc weeks months or years late because
>well first on X platform and later for other platform for any price above 10€

I can understand it flopping on WiiU because I remember bouncing off of it the first time I played. But it seems like the remaster didn't get any traction either so maybe it was doomed from the concept.

No one ever cared about this game aside from some retards on v and utube

It's an action game that's good for one sitting even for people who had no problem adjusting to the mechanics. Love the game, but unless you wanna see the story beats again, plenty of other action games have deeper/more satisfying combat to bring people back. I wonder what the averages on bayo/ninja gaiden are considering how dead this shit is.

Attached: steamcharts.png (2252x428, 533.16K)

everything. it's just a shit game for toddlers

because its made for Wii U. the touch controls are what made it a 10. Without them its kinda dull.

lmao nintendie

It's an unconventional game of an already niche genre, with unique gameplay and aestethic which aren't appealing to large audiences.

The touch controls are worthless and a beginner's trap. Game is vastly improved by not having them.

That would've been very successful

people only pretended to like it because it was exclusive

>flops twice in your path

The touch controls were worse than using the right stick, and nobody who actually played the game would ever recommend them.

the gui and constant zooming camera are fucking annonying.


Nothing. It's a 10/10 game that will never be soiled by sequels and normies.


Attached: joseph.jpg (900x900, 31.92K)

It would be 10/10 if not for the constant minigame interruptions

I keep meaning to replay it but just don't have the time.