So fyi there apparently exists such a thing as "Liminal space horror" which is apparently described as...

So fyi there apparently exists such a thing as "Liminal space horror" which is apparently described as ... fear of empty rooms whose purpose is transitory in nature aka hallway or an airport terminal.
I don't get this meme fear, the first 7-8 minutes were among the most pleasant visual experiences I've had, it's so surreal and relaxing to me, especially the 7:12 segment and what comes after
Are there any other games that invoke a similar sensation?

Attached: 35345.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

ikr, that game gives me comfy vibes, it reminds me when me and my friends would stay in a hotel pool late at night before it closed
I dont know how people are afraid of empty space, it reminds me of 2010s tumblr pages

I've actually been folowing this game for almost a year now. cool to see it actually get posted here. I know Any Forums hates liminal shit but this honestly seems like kind of a comfy game to play. I really hope the dev adds some vaporwave music to it though. or some mall-soft music to play over the intercom in the mall area

if I had millions to burn, I'd build shit like that in real life no joke
it's beyond me how people can be afraid or unsettled by it

I always thought it was not as such the spaces themselves that were scary, but the idea that something is lurking around any, every, or none of the corners.

I pissed and shidded my pants just from looking at this

you don't even need a threat. just put shadows or silhouettes that disappear when you get close and you'll get a billion youtube views

Word, i like these weird worlds, allost close to human stuff but not ajar



Attached: aqc84crs1at51.jpg (1280x720, 40.13K)

hey I recognize that remote

You joke, but if you the game was about hiding/running from something, and you could hear them walking past either of the doors, then it might work.

Same feeling as The Invisible Man; the movie wasn't really good, by simply by virtue of the antagonist being invisible, you were just waiting for the slightest movement of something in the scene.

Attached: theinvisibleman_3.png (1920x800, 1.61M)

The murder scene in the restaurant fucking sucked and I laughed so hard. Not only would there be cameras everywhere but you'd have tons of witnesses saying "holy shit yes the knife just was floating then flew into her hand." It was so goddamn corny.

why is the title based around the concept of the liminal space when the actual horror of it is based out of something else being there with you and terrorizing you?

the whole movie sucked. But the concept of an invisible villain not simply out to kill you, but taunt you and break you mentally first is appealing.

Yes, it is good in concept and without the stupid restaurant scene the whole movie would have been better.

Zoomers are afraid of being alone that's why they use their phones literally 24/7 from the time they are 2. Also citydwellers in giant cities don't know what peace and quiet is. And when it comes to Mario 64 its retards who dont realize it was supposed to be a creepy abandoned house and everyone finds abandoned places like haunted mansions creepy. Fucking retardation.

Yeah, I thought it was something similar to claustrophobia but apparently not.

I don't understand how people fear these places. I want to get inside one and jack off for hours in there.

le limimeme spaces are fun. don't take it too seriously.

>boomers are so used to being alone they find empty spaces comfy

Attached: c77u50dwxtw81.jpg (640x640, 46.97K)

yes we know, you and your discord friends have been spamming this shit for ages, and the only way it could catch on is through memes

good old zoomies

>too timid to ask for ketchup at McDonald's
>scared of empty rooms
>need YouTubers to form their opinions for them
>would rather watch other people play a game than actually play the game for themselves
>terrified of silence