Are Elex 1 and 2 worth a go?

Are Elex 1 and 2 worth a go?

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1 no but also very yes
2 just no in its current state

Yes but only if you use exploits for infinite cash and items. Call me a shitter all you want but the difficulty is absolutely ludicrous in these games compared to previous PB titles

t. PC gamer

I played them both on Xbox lol

>don‘t fight strong enemies in the beginning
>save often
>get a companion asap
That’s it, the game is not harder than other PB games.

I was going to drop elex 2 the other day, but gave it a chance and stayed. It's really shitty during first 10 hours until you level up and start kicking asses. Then it gets fun. It's kinda insane how broken are shotguns and melee is useless tho. Worth trying if you love chill rpg open wolrd exploration and piranha games

I listened to the devs talk about the different they made for Elex 2 and one of the things was making the first hours easier.

It's about two thirds through the games until you get guns that are remotely useful

I kinda agree. Everything still 1-2 shots me even tho I have 85 armor, but it doesn't matter if you have a shotgun or some good energy weapon lmao. Shotguns do more damage than rocket launchers

when should I join a faction? Just started chapter 2 and I wanna join clerics, but it seems like you need to join albs first to do that (think Hagen mentioned that earlier). You work as a spy and shit?

Eh, it's okay. I don't mind the jank or the difficulty but I REALLY dislike the setting. Pardon me for using buzzwords but it just feels soulless. It's a bold move to try to combine fantasy and sci-fi and I don't really like the outcome.

Same. It got only worse in Elex 2

Not him but at the absolute latest point possible which is the end of chapter 3. You can only join the Berserkers, Morkrons and Albs first. You can then join the Outlaws by betraying either the Berserkers or Morkrons, or the Clerics if you betray the Albs.

2 feels flat out unfinished in terms of world design and graphics and I'd go so far and say that 1 looks vastly superior to its sequel.

Attached: e12.jpg (3840x1080, 1.7M)

The first game is great. The combat and animations are janky, but exploration and questing is done really well. The world is big but densely packed with things to find. I haven't played 2 yet because I assume it's a good idea to let them get a few patches deep.

So if I join albs in chp2 will it cancel some quests?

quests in 2 are pretty good, especially some companion quests. My favorite so far is the one that started in outlaw city with bald alb

Well it will cancel all the other faction quests so you won't be able to get any XP

What a shame. World hearts were one of my favourite things in 1, took me back to playing Morrowind for the first time for how alien they were.

It's not even just the world hearts, it's essentially everything funky and weird that was cut, along with pretty much every piece of vegetation that isn't a daisy or a generic as fuck tree.
The world is unbelievably dull and empty with nothing truly new or interesting to the point where Elex 1 feels more like a sequel than this.

Probably my most memorable "we ran out of time/fucks to give" moment was when I ran into this bloody message written in perfect, all caps Arial.

Attached: 20220302165710_1.jpg (1920x1080, 569.31K)

Start this instead:

Oh, and remember places from 1 like Mad Bob's scrapyard here at the coast?
You don't want to know what those look like in 2.

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