Flyff Universe

>Flyff Universe
>Hopeful/Nostalgia-driven user start making hype threads surrounding the SEA launch/Global registration
>Game comes out
>There's a Cash Shop absolutely filled to the brim with every single pay2win sin in the book, and all of them are temporary, time-limited consumables
>EXP boosters galore, massive stat increases, unlimited MP/FP, direct teleportation scrolls, the ability to regen while in-combat, instant recovery from any status ailment, uncapped/unlimited range party skills, etc, etc, etc.
>Gacha-only cosmetic sets which give stats on DAY ONE
>Gear upgrading system still reliant on buying hundreds upon hundreds of protection scrolls from the Cash Shop for every piece of equipment you want to level
>Basically impossible to get past midgame without being a colossal whale

Man, I almost feel bad for the people who were actually looking forward to this.
We're never getting another comfy grindan gaem decoupled from publishers obsession over reeling in whales at the expense of everyone else, and it sucks.

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>korean mmo

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I'll probably play it until level 80 when the grind becomes unbearable without EXP boosters and quit. It's sad that they didn't actually listen to the feedback of the community concerning these things.

the only thing i remember about this game is flying off of the map the second i got the hoverboard and getting stuck in some forest zone that wasn't released yet

rip to people who still get emotionally invested in korean mmos i guess but i'm built different

>expecting a korean mmorpg to not be a cashgrab scam and listen to their fanbase

Imagine playing a korean mmo, ever.

It's fun, p2w was expected as soon as gala became involved, but I'll just grind for a week or two and then quit. once the playerbase spreads out it'll be as dead as regular flyff anyway. The full servers is fun to experience again even if it won't last long.

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They did listen, they stated in an interview they will only be selling cosmetics in cash shop 2 years ago, before gala became involved and scrapped that. I wouldn't mind spending 15$ a month on costumes if I can just grind normally, but fuck spending $200 on protects for upgrading a single set, which is likely to fail even. Not spending a single cent on this now.


What gets me is that Korean MMOs absolutely cannot stop themselves from nickel-and-dimming their playerbase as fast as possible, while certain imported Chinese MMOs like Sword of Legend Online actually DO somehow get by through the sale of cosmetics and minor convenience items.
I mean shit, the Chinese devs of SOLO had to tell their international publishers, Gameforge (yes, THAT Gameforge) to hold-off on flooding the game's NA/EU cash shop with the usual ultra-exploitative crap right out of the gate.
Let me reiterate: A Chinese dev studio is telling their western publisher to stop being so horrifyingly greedy. How the hell did the MMO space get like this?

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I'll give you a hint, it starts with a J

Sometimes I wish Gunbound didn't die, but then things like this remind us why they should stay dead.

It is pretty fucking wild.
I just checked the FlyffU cash shop and I was blown away by how fucked the prices are. You get TIMED LIMITED ITEMS for real money. You don't get to keep them. It's fucking crazy.
They expect you to cough up all this fucking money for something so worthless.

That's not new to Flyff, it always had 7d/30d items
Even back when I played in version 11

What's retarded is how they are still keeping the repulsive business model even after a big re-release of the game.
They learned NOTHING.
This is going to fucking weigh down future interest in the game so fucking fast.
They're practically going to go back to ruining the fucking game again.
So much for working with the community.
This blows asshole.

Gooks are gonna gook if you havent learned by now you never will. It's naive to think they'll just get rid of a model that's been working for over 20 years. Why bother making a good game when you can just bait for whales and make guaranteed profits?

Korean publishers have exactly one model of business, and they will never ever break from it.
The noose was already tied as soon as Gala Lab forced the devs to make their pact with the them. The previous closed betas were actually going great up until that point, and the premise of "no more pay2win / cosmetic cash shop only" was something genuinely pursued by the independent devteam.
Then the fate of this project made a complete 180 once Gala Lab stepped in, to nobody's surprise.
Guarantee this game is dead (at least in the regions that matter) within just a few months at most.

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Flyff was always a game you'd play all the way to when you get your flying board, then fly around until you get bored. At least they were genuine on that part

I don't know why I keep expecting games to not be released with pozzed shit.

>the you're too old now to CS with 15 year old girls
It's dead