Game has the slightest hint of a learning curve and isn't just braindead slop you can passively consume by mashing...

>game has the slightest hint of a learning curve and isn't just braindead slop you can passively consume by mashing buttons
>"it's autistic"
Why are people like this?

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I want to play this game but it literally never goes on sale, like wtf?

making spaghetti isnt the autistic way to play Factorio

a game that requires any amount of effort already falls into the category of "pedantic time-wasting activity for autists with nothing better to do"
same reason you have so many tranny hobbyist coders
hobbies exist for you to casually enjoy with minimal effort, they are not supposed to be unenjoyable tasks that provide a badge of honor for completion, those tasks are supposed to revolve around your career, education, health, and social responsibilities
i bet you're an autistic speedrunning tranny too
>i need my video games to provide me with a challenge because i have nothing else to fill the void in my meaningless empty life
lol kys cuck
i'm going to go play ARAMs with my IRL friends, enjoy treating your hobby like a job and/or a vector for validation, you pathetic little faggot
bridge rope

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Dev made a public statement that the price will be constant forever. If you want it cheaper, you can use a slav VPN or just pirate the gog version.

I'm autistic and yeah I'd say the thing you described is autistic.

>i need to minmax my gaming experience because..... uhhh......

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Congrats, you are the vidya equivalent of a boomer couch potato glued to mindless TV shows.

>winding down after fulfilling more important responsibilities is bad

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Is it because he has to (like Sony telling the Salt and Sacr. dev the prices will have to change) or just because the dev doesn't want to? First time I've heard of this.

Rent free

it applies to most games, people just play streams

Attached: alcohol factory factoricule.gif (542x330, 2.57M)

game is cheaper to buy in Russia therefore you are entirely justified to pirate it

You do know that some people enjoy learning right? There are plenty of things that are enjoyable but you need to ascend a learning curve first. Like carpentry and tailoring. Making your own clothes and furniture is beyond based and also a fun hobby.

your post is not worth reading

It's his choice, he's opposed to flash sales.

inadvertently agreeing with my point, based

The average consumer is incredibly stupid and if they aren't constantly being pandered to or otherwise distracted by visual effects or loud sounds they will lose interest and consider it an "autistic" game.

Ahh you see but the implication you made here is that planning a factorio base ISN'T winding down for us.
The fact that you even think that says more about you than anything.
>factorio chads finish work
>go few mental gears lower and end up making a factory in their spare time
>be you after work
>end up playing braindead mode in ASSFAGGOTS because everything else is too exhausting
yikes user

>comparing video games to fucking carpentry and making clothes
they are not the same you fat fuck

In the context of this conversation, they are. They are pastimes that require more effort than just ogling a screen, which YOU fundamentally argued against.

>Is it because he has to (like Sony telling the Salt and Sacr. dev the prices will have to change) or just because the dev doesn't want to? First time I've heard of this.
The real reason why the game never goes to sale is actually kinda funny, because it's a result of an error the studio made a LONG, LONG time ago.

You see, when Factorio got to the EA release, the original developers (at the time, it was still a two-man team) MASSIVELY under-estimated the actual appeal and potential market for this game. They assumed the game will have tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of sales at the most, as they were convinced it's way too niche to ever become a major success. And because they assumed the market for it is going to be so massively limited, they worried that sales would canibalilze this presumably already tiny market.

So they decided to state right from the start that they will not do sales, genuinely assuming that sales would result in decrease of funding to a point where they'd run out of potential buyers before the game is even finished.

This... was AMAZINGLY wrong. But the problem was: they already made the public statement. They've promised they won't do sales. 700 000 people have bought the game full price, assuming that is the only deal they will get.
Going back on their word at that point... would be kind of a FUCK YOU to all those people.

So... they decided to stick with the decision, even though they have LONG since known it's not the most economically sound one. They are well aware that going on sale would make them even more money. But they feel like it would be morally wrong, as it would be unfair to everyone who bought the game at full price until now.

It was a honest mistake on their part, and they just decided to accept and live with that mistake, rather than betraying the trust of their existing customers.

You might dislike it, but it's a decision purely motivated by ethical consideration at this point.