Dante's Inferno (2023)

Has a game ever made you convert religion?

Attached: Dante.png (350x496, 325.18K)

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Is this emulatable yet on PS3 emu? I really want to go back and try it out to see if it's just a shitty GoW/DMC clone or genuinely great. Shame there's no remaster, the art is so soulful.

I don't know, but you can play it on Xbox Backwards Compatibility.

>I really want to go back and try it out to see if it's just a shitty GoW/DMC clone or genuinely great.
It's both. It is genuinely kino in terms of aesthetic, setting, atmosphere and story.
But gameplay wise it's nothing special, not bad or anything though.

tbf god of war gameplay isn't good either, I remember seeing some pretty cool stuff

It most certainly is. 4K 60FPS no hitch. There's a Jap one, too with absolutely kino voice work. By that I mean the monsters, fx, everything.

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Played it for the first time last month because it's on gamepass for console. Gameplay-wise it's a shitty god of war clone with an obligatory 2010 moral choice system, but no other game is going to have you chokehold Pontius Pilate and then have you play DDR with no music for 40 seconds to absolve his mortal sins.

I liked God of War. But I liked this more.

that sounds amazing, what were the devs on

>game has Hitler in it
>he's in hell
>discarded (after absolving him for sins that he didn't commit)

It's an absolute fever dream. The platforming is dogshit, the combat is dogshit, the bosses are simultaneously brutally difficult and pitfully easy if you just spam magic at them, the writing is all over the place, every single time a woman is on screen she's topless/dying/getting raped (same for most dudes, honestly), and Dante is an irredeemable moron who nevertheless gets two thumbs up from Virgil the entire time. Overall it feels like a Chic Tract about God of War more than a serious attempt to make a video game but I was enraptured because it's insane.

where do you usually download from? vimm?


It's based on an epic poem written by an Italian in the 1300s, that's the only explanation needed.

I'm aware of the Divine Comedy, and the respects in which the video game Dante's Inferno is batshit are wholly separate. The layers of hell and pits of sinners is whatever, so unless there was a coda I missed about having a terrible dodge roll I think we can safely leave the original text out of the discussion.

It's not really, the poem is pretty batshit too.

The things that I remember most vividly were killing Death and Virgil directly quoting the original lines with Vegeta's VA in the Italian dub.

Also, I don't remember there being a Pier delle Vigne level. A waste, imagine talking bloody trees kino.

I'd pay for a sequel but they need to improve the combat and story.

>Dante's Pvrgatorio (2023)

>when your catholic priest cucks on the woman question (WQ) so you find a based and redpilled orthodox church online and convert through email

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Kino game