Where were you when AMD saved gaming?

Where were you when AMD saved gaming?

Attached: 1652825621076.jpg (2560x1440, 340.2K)

Too bad you need PCI 4.0 or else you'll get jack shit performance.

>Inflated Nvidia price
>MSRP AMD price
Post something not shat out by your marketing department, shill.

PCI4.0 irrelevant on cards with 8GB+ in majority of current game. Super-next gen memes might want 12-16. Anything below 8GB nowadays is deprecated and you should NEVER buy a card with sub 8GB VRAM

PC newfag here. I have a GTX 1060 6GB that I've been meaning to replace with something better.

If I want to get an AMD card (I'm thinking of getting the RX 6800 XT to future proof me for the next 6-7 years), I have to get it on day one, right? Or else it'll get scalped in prices like the Nvidia cards, right?

Can you survive until October-December 2022? RDNA2 will release Q4 - the 7000 series

Definitely. I don't mind waiting a little bit longer. I just want to know if I need to buy them literally day one or if AMD will have measures to prevent scalping.

Will those RDNA2 ones be better?

>Will those RDNA2 ones be better?
Well, use logic. You said:
> future proof me for the next 6-7 years),
prev. gen almost 2 years old, wouldnt it make sense to get latest gen this year to have these 6-7 years?

>drivers crash
>features break every update
>always behind nvidia
LMAO imagine buying AMD outside of Linux usage.

>saved gaming
>still cannot play minecraft unless on linux
>good luck even playing doom

Attached: holding laughter.jpg (1200x800, 254.79K)

>always behind nvidia

AMD has a market cap of $166.82 Billion. This includes both division, GPU and CPU so you can half it for GPU one

NVIDIA has a market cap of $430.21 Billion.


fuckign typicla low IQ Any Forumsretard

So? If they make a better product then I will buy it, just like their CPUs. Their GPU department has always been shit. Go shill somewhere else nigger.

never again

Attached: gaming with amd.png (1920x1080, 8.31K)

They are always behind Nvidia because they dont have as much resource to keep up with basically monopolistcuck jacket.

The little whiny shitty tone you worded your trash remark made it sound like they arent even trying and it is their internal failure.
You are just a fucking faggot.

Nvidia = iOS
AMD = android

Are AMD gpus good for emulation or should i stick with Nvidia.


if on loonix go amd if on windows stick with nvidia

Not my problem.
If I can buy a Ferarri for the same price as a Honda Civic, I'm getting the Ferrari. These companies aren't your friends, they don't give a shit about you.
Go shill somewhere else, double nigger.

thanks, i use windows and i've had no issues with my 3 year GTX 1660.

I think you are confused, little retard. I wasnt defending AMD, i dont care about either.
Your shitty tone and behavior made me cringe and I did not ant to cringe today
middle-school dropout mongoloid