Attached: Yakuza5.jpg (256x256, 31.4K)

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0 is better

Ok tranny, bet you play the sims too

i love shinada

0 > 6 > 3 = 5 > kiwami 2 > 4 > kiwami 1 > original 1 and 2



Such a dumb ending

>Hey bros, I bet if the four of us all start beating the shit out of each other on this rooftop the true mastermind will show up to gloat!
>He actually fucking does

Attached: osaka-confused.png (768x575, 341.2K)

Just finished 4.
I love For Faith and all its mixes.

Attached: 1639645505575.png (1820x1025, 885.18K)

4 is shit


For me, it’s Fly.

do you like the jp opening?
this is a litmus test

>should i give up achievement huntings on k1 or keep trying

It makes me smile.
I don't always need a serious song to start games off.

Haruka's part in Y5 was the best part of the franchise and I'm tired of pretending its not.

Attached: 7626560.jpg (2362x1092, 365.14K)

100% is only like 50 or 60 hours at most but you have to put up with a lot of Majima grind even if you Tiger Drop him every time. You can just grind money from save scumming High Stakes roulette. If you don't then the only way to make money is to spend hours farming for enough points to buy weapons from the coliseum and sell them (Don't do that).

This lol


damn these two give me nostalgia...

I wonder what they're up to nowadays

RGG Studio can dive into idol sim if they are bored making thriller/action titles.