Fighting game tropes you hate

Fighting game tropes you hate

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whatever this was

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proximity normals

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comback mechanics?

The flagship series killing off all the other series the devs made.

Fuck, I hate fatal blows.

V triggers that change frame data and massive rosters, way too much shit to learn even if it makes casuals happy

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Xfactor and Sparking are the worst examples. Nothing kills hype more than lvl3 Xfactor team wipe at the last 10 seconds of a match.

Tie between short/low hurtbox characters and wildly varying falling hurtboxes in anime fighters

fair. compared to those, v trigger is pretty well balanced, for the most part. plus the meter has applications outside press button and win.
from what i've seen of mvc3, xfactor is just you fucking win.


>I hate more options and spacing
Killed SFV unironically

The no neutral pandemic happening from 3D kuso and anigay.

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Casuals just want a reskin of the same character over and over again. Utterly soulless

Lemme guess main boy and main girl on cover, they don’t have any chemistry ingame


Is no neutral a good or bad thing, honestly can't tell from this webm

>black girl has an afro

anime trannies on suicide watch lmao

bad. you're playing a single player game with no counter-play.

GG:S not being a 6button fighter ruins it for me

>Character walks in path of another character
>Hey, have you seen that guy?
>Stop fucking lying to me! I'm gonna fucking your punch your asshole until you tell me
>I'm not gonna tell you shit!

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lethal chip damage

your cope will be massive once sf6 releases and its so different from sf5 that everything will seem kusoge to you