>44 millions
wow, I thought people didn't like the online?

Attached: RDR2.png (731x781, 393.69K)

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And yet they still refuse to bring RDR1 to pc.

they don't most people just play the single player campaign.


That's more an issue on the technical side. That's why it couldn't get re-released for PS4 and the only way to play it is through backwards compatibility on Xbox.
The engine is said to be barely stable on PS3/Xbox 360 and devs could fix it for Max Payne 3 and GTA V.

Where's UN2, Rockstar?

Are they turbo artists, or is this kino?

The game is the perfect cowboy fantasy simulator.
You don't necessarily need online for that

>That's more an issue on the technical side
thats always just been an excuse

the real reason is that rockstar is just lazy and sees no profit in it

Is this a way of saying "sold bundled with things"?

For the manufacturer or distributor, a sell-in occurs when the retailer agrees to buy the goods.

I remember playing RDOnline during its beta days and wondering all the cool stuff they’d add.

>I thought people didn't like the online?
They don't. Maybe now people will play it because there's RP servers similar to GTA RP.

Just get an xbox console, it plays great

People really believe powerpoint presentations meant to rope gullible people into pyramid schemes?

>no mentions of "online" only numbers
>OP starts the thread off claiming people suddenly like RDR2 Online
Nice bait

i remember when it was $5USD for standalone version, the thing is, it isn't standalone, you download the full game to play online lol.

how many of those are the 5$ rdr2o only package?

Elden sissies....we lost...

Boy i'm glad the corporation is doing well!

The cope on this is off the chart

No, they're global shipments, and it likely includes digital sales as well.

All they needed to do was just spit polish the multiplayer from RDR.
I know they wanted that GTAO money, but god damn its just the single player game with everything slowed down.

Zero becuase RDO is dead. It's also specifically talking about RDR 2 retail sales. RDO is not a standalone retail product., it's only available digitally.

i bought 14 @ 5USD
have 4 left
sold the others with hacked in gold for 45USD a pop
wish i bought more before covid hit.