Fall 2022

Fall 2022.

Attached: Zelda_Eclipse_Darkness.jpg (3264x2448, 827K)

The Legend of Zelda: Prolapse of Ganondorf

>believing this aesthetic will sell in 2022
lmaoing at ur life kiddo

The Legend of Zelda: Ligma Balls

The Wise Premonition of Link: A Toilet Bowl Full of Premeditated Shart

The Legend of Zelda: Big Marring no Time

It's hardly going to be an eclipse of light now is it ya fuckin' mook?

The Legend of Zelda: The Crock of Shit

>not botw font
You could have put effort in, ya know.

>wii U a button
Bold of Nintendo to release a game for emulator

The Legend of Zelda: The Mitten of Wool
The Legend of Zelda: The Stick of Wood
The Legend of Zelda: The Forest of Embarrassment
The Legend of Zelda: The Tree of Nothing

>Eclipse of Darkness
As opposed to what?

>press start

Attached: switch pro.jpg (1200x800, 47K)

holy shit bros

Attached: FLGyRPYXwAQEkaW.jpg (2048x1455, 272.74K)

>eclipse of darkness

Also upcoming
>the flame of fire
>the stone of rock
>the river of water

I almost wrote an Epic Leak Generator a couple of years ago that'd just tilt and fuck up your image. But thankfully I came to my senses and realized what a colossal waste of time that would have been.


i remember this image from six years ago

>another soulless wii u port
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt

Zelda: The Depths of Link's Booty hole

Attached: 1526963589558.jpg (640x480, 52.1K)

>not Elden Ring DLC
It’s shit

>hmm i wonder how much unfunny reddit-tier shit i can fit in one image

Sonic: Things
Metroid: Precipitation
Kirby: mega super super duper with a big tuper

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any day now

Attached: HaUPeJf.jpg (478x290, 50.18K)