Linux gaming

Is Pop!_OS a good choice?

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yeah it's fine

why no and why yes?

Anything is better than windows unless you need to run VRR with multiple monitors connected. Then good luck troubleshooting Wayland issues.


It's a great set and forget OS yeah. People shit on it but I'd advise it much sooner than Ubuntu or some shit. Arch is my distro if choice but I recognize it can be intimidating

Me btw. Debating moving the winmax to Linux but I hear the chinky Broadcom chips do not play nicely. Have PopOS on the onexplayer to the left

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Not a single person living on this planet uses his Linux PC mainly for gaming
Just dualboot or use a virtual machine, trust me, that's where you'll end up regardless of what you do

Also me

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How is gaming on Linux compare to Windows?

Pop OS is a Frankenstein distro that will easily break because they update some elements like a rolling realise and others like ubuntu.
Just use an distro that is made to get fast updates or stick with ubuntu.
it's also a bad idea to use multiple layered base distros aka a distro that is based on a distro and that is based on a distro.

Honestly, there's some tinkering here and there, but all my games run absolutely fine. Wayland is a buggy shit show so I deactivate my second monitor for 144fps til Wayland and Nvidia set their differences aside. My biggest grievance is that the new guardians of the Galaxy doesn't play at all but that's the singular game I've had can't play issues. Before getting back into EDF I played 4 different Lego games, days gone, elden ring, Jedi fallen order, all 3 max Payne games all without issue.

Rapidly getting better, but it's still firmly in autist territory.

Me again, my second biggest issue is that script extension mods don't work at all for me. I was trying to get ICE mod working on monster hunter world because the clutch claw is faggot shit, and I can't get it work, so vanilla iceborne for me.

>this will fuck up your pc
>yes, do as I say!

If you want to be able to just plug n' play then Windows is still the way to go. Thanks the Steam, gaming on Linux is much simpler and more viable than it has been in the past, but it's more likely for you to run into problems than it is with Windows.
I like Linux and use it on my work laptop, but my gaming PC has to be Windows. I don't particularly want to fiddle with config files just to play a game.

>getting into Dragon's Dogma
>game suddenly decides it won't launch one day
How do you troubleshoot this shit when letting steam manage proton, since there's no error messages or nuthin, it just doesn't launch.

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this guy is a retard

Crap, but always getting better

only thing holding me back is I'm going to give linux another go after Ubuntu 22.04 is officially pushed as in place update for 20.04.

But that is still contingent on being able to realistically benefit from VRR with a multi-monitor configuration, which I'm not expecting much out of.

Might be holding on to win 10 until Serpent OS, which is probably so far on the horizon as to be irrelevant.

steam steam://open/console
In terminal