Trailer next week, you're still playing ginger Jedi

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hopefully he knows how to jump higher than I can in the second game

hopefully they figure out some collectibles that aren’t just useless cosmetics

I hope they will include a scene where BD-1 jerks him off.

I hope there's dismemberment.

I want to play as the force witch
cosmetic collectibles are the only useful collectibles

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i grew to like cal but i really wanted a self insert jedi game. not even on some tranny shit, i just wanna make a jedi that looks like me. I hated Cal at first but his story was presented in a great way, especially with how it handled his PTSD

wish they made a brand new current graphics jedi academy sequel where you can custom create your own jedi like the old game

i would make a slutty female twi'lek again

To completion, of course?

>you're still playing ginger Jedi
That doesn't really mean much. Even in the first game you were just the one doing all the legwork while story bended over for black woman's sob backstory. The most interesting bits were barely in Fallen Order.

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Maybe this one will have actually decent boss battles and a story that doesn't trudge along and then Oh it's done!

>cosmetic collectibles are the only useful collectibles
If only that was the case. Stim capacity increase has to be found meaning you WILL have to look for golden chests at least.

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Evil obi wan rocked and they didn't do him any justice.

I'll probably play it
the last one was a fun time with a lot of pretty areas but it was nothing groundbreaking

Cute as fuck.

My problem with FO is how it feels designed by committee. Not bad, but nothing in it beyond the license was mind-blowing. I liked the bounty hunter bits, though.

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I remember starting the game and giving it points for the subdued story, but as the game went on I felt like the story wasn't really subdued at all, it was just boring and nothing of interest really happens. As you say it feels very committee driven and also like they weren't sure if the game would go over well, so they save all the interesting story stuff for when they establish Jedi as a Franchise

I unironically liked Fallen Order and will also like the sequel.

Lame franchise, shit series, not giving dismey money.

Same. One of my favorite games in recent years. I think I've played through it five times now. I do wish it had some sort of chapter select type of thing, though. Or even just a save system.

>game has cool looking evil gramps
>we are stuck with mouthbreathing ginger goblin
The game would be shit anyway but not even males are safe from the "ugly main character" syndrome