Lets settle this once and for all Any Forums

Chie or Naoto?

Attached: Chie Shirogane and Naoto Satonaka.png (583x700, 155.22K)


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Unironically can't choose.

Neither, because P4 characters are as boring as P5, that one VA is hilarious though on Twitter going crazy with Trump derangement syndrome.


Chie. I like tomboys and personally I don’t see myself hanging out with naoto. Chie would wanna watch king fu movies or work out after school while naoto would make you do your homework. Hard pass

Chie is best girl.
Also never saw Naoto's appeal.

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Chie. The highstrung Japbot archetype doesn't appeal to me.

You know, I wonder how the game go if they were switched out like that

I would hang out with Chie for an afternoon, but I would pump enough cum inside Naoto to fill the ocean twice over.

Smartest answer


Chie is just so fucking hot. im shit at understanding my own interests so idk why I want to pump gallons of cum into her but I do.


Chie and Japan agrees

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Well Any Forums?

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Naoto is literally the only one that can even stand up next to Chie. The rest are so fucking basic it hurts. How did P4 get 2 tomboys? Its not fair to the rest of the series.

>You're going to get fat

Attached: Pierce_Brosnan.jpg (286x461, 36.32K)

>Yukiko is worst girl in game and real life

You see how many calories she burns in a day? Let THAT girl eat, she exercises enough.
