Yeah we hate this guy and think he's awful and want nothing to do with him

>yeah we hate this guy and think he's awful and want nothing to do with him
>but we will still use his work and character in our game to make money
I don't think I've seen many other things as pathetic and scummy as this ever.

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The Chad separates the art from the artist.

I don't get the hateboner some people have for Lovecraft. It's not like he lynched niggers in front of his house.

This, except for when the artist is a rightoid incel. Then they should be banned.

He was slightly racist back in the days when everyone was a racist...that is not ok!

My main beef is they wont have more lovecraft mythos horrors as playable characters. Nyarlathotep is described as evil Pharaoh and the game is full of egyptian themed assets already. Hell Hades already has an Evil Pharaoh skin. So adding in Nyarlathotep would be really easy. Why not just do it?

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>racism and homophobia
I know about nigger the cat but what's the fag hate

>slightly racist

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The left even hate mlk jr now because he isn't progressive enough. You think standard dude they won't hate?

theyve abandoned several pantheons after one or two gods look at: africa voodoo Hawaii Lovecraft Slavic and Babylonian.

But they are explicitly separating Lovecraft's works fro the man?

he said the N WORD!!!!!!!

Lovecraft denounced his racist views later in life. Really shows how much these devs know about the source material outside of reddit memes.

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>read one of his novels
>the main character goes insane at the end because he learns he got black ancestors

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Sounds more like some Jew shit

average /po/tard

>overwatch clone is on life support
>BR game is dead
SMITE is all they got, can't risk losing players.

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wtf i hate lovecraft now

Lovecraft regretted his racism later in life, ffs he married a Jew

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.

I hate the whole
>Lovecraft was a racist!
Because he wasn't. Or rather, wasn't any more of a racist than practically everyone back then. That's just how the world was a hundred+ years ago.

I see that Jews keep being a race only when it's convenient for the argument.

But if they accept that it ruins their worldview that black people were also worshipped hundred of years ago and racism never existed.

Dont care
No one will remember your precious chud writer :)

Why are black people such a protected class, while it's socially acceptable to incite hatred against Russians? You don't get to pick and choose your racism.

Nah, he was significantly more racist than most people were at the time, mainly because for the longest time he hated anyone who wasn't Anglo and most people weren't that picky. As long as you were some form of white (Irish doesn't count) you were fine but not to Lovecraft
He hated pretty much anyone but WASPs so whether it's a religion or ethnicity the point still stands

how the fuck is this a goddamn "controversy"?
fucking clown world

he was considerable more racist than most people back then but then he married a jew and became less racist

He wrote a story where the protagonist finds out he's a fish person after he found out he was part Welsh

Because Black folks don't invade sovereing states
Fuck off ivan

I think it's pretty peak racism to not consider the Irish white which is a step ahead of Stormfront albeit pretty based

Because Russians are subhumans and they deserve to die because they were born in a certain country!
Oh btw we are inclusive and we believe in equal value for all people :)

You mean like the US have been doing for the last century?

Russians aren't a race sweaty.

Russians will never move past "And you are lynching negroes," it's amazing

Capital is only as progressive as is profitable.

>SMITE is all they got, can't risk losing players.
smite's been bleeding for awhile.
SPL viewership has steadidly been dropping because it's a private club of old guard who refuse to fuck off because they're salary'd. And new talent can only trickle in when one person retires or has a mental boom.
ranked at the high-end is mostly SPL players shitposting because they've been burnt out for years.
And there's so few players at Diamond+, and even platinum, that you have regular clown games of bronze-platinum, and golds-masters.
Game balance has only been getting faster and more damage-heavy, and even an official "Nerf Everything Patchâ„¢", brought overall damage down by 2% overall.
new gods are hilariously kit-bloated, or just awkward DOAs.
Arena mains buying skins is the only thing keeping that game alive

The thing about the cat is Lovecraft didn't even name the cat. He had the cat as a child and it was named by his father, not himself. I seriously don't understand why people think Lovecraft is such a piece of shit. If you've actually read any of his works he comes across like a NEET that's scared of going outside and scared of anything different. He didn't hate other races, he didn't understand them so he was unnerved by them. Lovecraft was ignorant in the truest sense, he wasn't malicious.

typical for russian
>Russians are subhumans and they deserve to die because they were born in a certain country!
No progressive ever said that