Chinks and MOBAs

>Dota has a monkey king
>LoL has a monkey king
>smite has a monkey king
>HoN has a monkey king
Why do all MOBAs suck Chinese dick so hard?

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>Using the chinese aesthetic at all is bootlicking
You are fucking obsessed

>Mr. Elastic staff which can change length at will
>Polymorph abilities
>Can make Naruto clones of himself with his hair
>Flyes around on a cloud
It's just a cool concept which is easy to make fun mechanics out of.

HoN had the best version

I don't know anything about china, is there any other mythology other than monkey king or the three kingdoms? Literally everything they make has something to do with the three kingdoms or monkey king

>what is medieval England
>what is ancient Greece
>what is vikings
west have go-to normie corners of history as well, we never saw anything about Slavic pagan mythology until Witcher

Smite is literally a deity showcase, so it's normal they have the fucking Monkey King in their chinese pantheon.

We don't know, commies burnt 99% of Chinese mythology books

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Because you zoomer faggots were a glint in your dad's eye when Monkey Magic was the going kino for children

They all have greek and viking shit too is that pandering?

If you think that a couple of generations can't change a culture completely you might want to look at the extended family being replaced with the nuclear family and the values of the West being elapsed by consumer culture. No one's innocent but at the end of the day you might be glad that states operate in the mode of real politick rather than "muh feeling" when you go to work in a job that isn't a sweatshop for phones with suicide nets

don't get in the cage. Don't eat the bugs

Try as they will, the chinese culture of cannibalism isn't gone.

Water Margin is also very popular but they don't make many video game out of it.

>t. brainlet
You can't change a culture "Completely".
There's always some traces here and there left.
And no, it's not just 1% left.

Humans have destroyed culture and history throughout the ages just through war, if you don't think a coordinated effort can't do worse you a retarded

He's a cool character for a game that's why
>Rides a cloud
>Can shapeshift
>Has a staff (weapon)

I totally trust a Marxist software engineer on history/culture and the ramifications of burning books and temples

They all also have redhead females dressed in green who happen to be great at archery.
Briton cock deep inside their throats, I tell you.

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Completely might be a bit much yeah. But you're arguing in bad faith. Our ancestors were pretty well savages, if you took a random person from 100 years ago and brought them to the modern day they would be like one of those tribespeople that get given laptops and use it as a cutting board, The human race has advanced very quickly to the point where globalisation and technology is the dominant cultural force rather than religion or a cultures metaphysical outlook on the world

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chinks can't into sc1-2 and got hard filtered by based koreans so they have to play the lowest skilled rts clone.

>come on man
>do you really think we're evil?

Warcraft 3 was always China's preferred RTS, I dont think starcraft was that big there. But Moon (korean) still dominated WC3 anyway lmao

Nip over to Any Forums and find the schizo that argues that the books the Nazis were burning was books about trangenderisim. There's a lot of nutters on this site mate. Better to find the fun ones

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Who cares Chinese mythology is pretty cool