Vidya mechanics you hate

Enemies level with you

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I don't wanna talk about what I hate because someone I hate who loves it will vomit retardation at me and It's not fun

Is this someone in the room with you now?

i fucking hate this videogame mechanic

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>When you die in the game, you die in real life.
They're too easy

>you die the moment you touch water

I hate permadeath games with online pvp. Rewards sweaty behavior and trolling.

this. where is the fun if i can not downvote the mean words away?


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No FOV slider

I like games like that

I don't mind this when there's a roleplay element involved, like needing to sleep at an inn or with a tent or something, but making a specific system that uses like dark souls bonfires to also let you save is fucking stupid and needs to stop.


Whatever you would call the leveling system in Destiny where level 1 enemies take exactly as many shots to kill as a level 20 enemy if you're level 20.

AC odyssey was retarded with the whole leveling thing, you could stealth kill some elite dude if he was within 4 levels but a half-naked bandit 5 levels above you was too much for that

>savescumming is... LE GOOD!
can't tell if you're a zoomer or a boomer pcfag, you're all faggots to me

>You can't farm to overlevel / power up yourself
>Random events and randomized items, so I can't Google how to beat the section
>Limited amount of options for the player to approach combat
>Multiple enemies jump you at once throughout the game
>Enemies that attack together relentlessly instead of waiting for the other enemy to finish their attack
>Overly complicated combat with a bunch of combos you have to learn
>Can't save WHENEVER you want
>Any kind of scoreboard/ranking at the end of the section/level/mission to place an arbitrary label on you.
>No assist options in the menu, like aim assist for fps or slow down speed of enemies in an action game or something.

t. brainlet

he's joking user.

Unskippable cutscenes and unskippable unnecessary long intros.

>Party members don't level up at the same rate as you or if they're not in the current party
>They don't get more exp when they're lower level
>Always have a level gap

>Kingdom Come Deliverance
>can't save unless you go to your bed or drink alcohol
>but you can save & quit tho
>quitting and restarting it is then

>see an enemy with a cool gun
>kill him with my boring gun
>go to pick up that cool gun
>it just adds to the ammo pool of my boring gun

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That's specifically to discourage savescumming. Save & Quit is for normalniggers who "have something else to do" and need to stop playing immediately. The save is deleted upon loading and can't be loaded again.