Improves your gaming sessions at a low cost

>Improves your gaming sessions at a low cost
You own a fan, right Any Forums?

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i own air conditioning because im not a poorfag

No asshole I have AC and its set to 70 degrees
Quit being poor

have to use one when its hot because no a/c and the dinosaur rig i use will shut down otherwise. usually put a fan behind a bowl of ice and it keeps it cool enough

I'm not a fan of fans

bruh its hella cold today what are you talking about

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AC has a filter that makes the air gay and that makes you gay
are you gay?

I just open my PC case and use the fans in there

I am autistic and gay so this does not affect me

I run a fan 24/7/365 to make the tinnitus and having to live with others bearable.


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Only women use fans
I'd rather be gay

I have
>A ceiling fan
>Box fan I put in the window
>Portable desk fan
>Mounted desk fan pointing at my head in bed
>Portable foldable fan I bring with me
I like fans


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my cock is too strong to be affected by bitch ass chemicals thanks

>its set to 70 degrees
Fuck why is your AC set so hot?
>t. leaf

I was a LOSER who SUCKED at COMPETITIVE games. But with the flick of one switch, all my games are a breeze.

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you sound like the asshole to me

I live in 110 degree weather

Thats what Id expect a betamale to say

I can't sleep without a fan
Anyone else?

>low cost
Electricity prices have been skyrocketing for a bit now, when the current contracts with static prices expire people are gonna have a fucking meltdown.

Need the air and white noise

Haven't used it in a while because it's fucking cold.

Proper white noise machines are better because it's not using as much energy or wearing down because of moving parts.

Protip for trying to sleep next to your radiator of a pc: soak your sheet in the tub and ring it out and sleep with the cold water sheet. It's called the Egyptian method it's what they used to do, pretty nifty.

Turn your PC off. Your dolphin porn seeding can take a break every now and then.

Fans use like 1/50th the amount of wattage an air conditioner does.

Fans only cool you down if you're already sweating. It doesn't lower temperature.

Yeah that's true, still the energy jews can go fuck themselves