What was the first truly bad Sonic game?

What was the first truly bad Sonic game?

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic Blast

Sonic Adventure

06 since it doesn't even work.

Sonic Adventure. Every 3D Sonic is a goddamn mess with terrible cameras.

People only give SA1-2 a pass because they were Dreamcast titles. Take the nostalgia blinders off and it's the same shitty gameplay as Heroes and later


Sonic CD

Shadow the Hedgehog. Tempted to say Heroes since the adventure foundations were so fucked up in that game, but it's passable enough to be mediocre.

unironically sonic 1

Sonic Eraser. It came out in 1991, the same year as the original Sonic The Hedgehog.


sonic 2 master system

The Master System version of Sonic 1 (the 2nd Sonic game ever released) isn't exactly *great* compared to the 16-bit version. It's okay, but it's meh compared to plenty of other 8-bit games.

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Sonic the Hedgehog.

The first game sucks ass. Marble, Labyrinth, and Scrap Brain and you've got 50% bad levels with the worst original controls.

Going by sales. Sonic 06

Your favorite Sonic game. Unless we share it of course.

Sonic Generations.

3D Blast was pretty lame. 06 is the first one I consider flat out unplayable.

Sonic R

Sonic Advance
The sonic fighting game
That sonic isometric game (3D Blast?)

>Crisis City instead of Kingdom Valley remix

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Consider that sonic fans regularly eat shit and that every sonic game has been held back by Adventure's game design for the last 20+ years. You don't even have to think about it. Sega knows sonic fans eat shit, so they fed them shit since Adventure. Not hard to comprehend.

sa2:dx on gamecube sold out both SA1 and SA2 on dreamcast.

It is beatable though and not like the glitches make it literally unplayable, just everything is like running through treacle

This. Shadow iis definitely worse than Heroes

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