
>talked cash shit before duel
>game starts
>absolutely no map control entire match and get made a fool of
>17-2 score, loss
>he responds:gg, i guess lol
How do I cope with this? I just turned my computer off now im laying in bed decompressing....I cant believe that just happened to me....especially after things i said pre game.
Fuck. It was supposed to be my summer....

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Maybe don't talk cash shit unless you categorically know the cheque won't bounce.

I cant help it. At this point im just hoping he doesnt say anything to anyone its a relatively small community. I always make a fool of myself...but I just want to be the best. I have put in thousands and thousands of hours of training.

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get gud

Stop being a whiny little faggot, them. If you want to be the best stop being a retarded cunt and just play the damn game you stupid nigger. Also kill yourself.

you play at your peak when you aren't afraid to lose.

Then put in thousands and thousands of hours of training then retard

I am, but not the best. I want to be the very best!
This is a lifestyle not just a game.
I have 5k+

Fuck you and you pathetic excuse. Fucking life itself is nothing but a game. If your shit at something but you want to enjoy it, you train until you become good. There is no difference. Now get over yourself and get back to playing you little shit.

Good advice, thanks. I need to take a short break my hand is cramping up, just finished about a 60 hour session.

its just a game bro, man up

60 hour session? Are you even more retarded than I think? Go the fuck outside and take a run, moron. If you let your body decay do you really believe you will become anything less than a failure? Use the whatever shriveled up part of your sad brain is left and think for once in your useless life. The fuck.

>talked cash shit
what is this zoomie speak


he bussin fr lk

Its more than a game to me.
I will take speed and perception enhancement pills such as adderall and dexedrine to help me get to the top of my game, after about 30-40 hours though it had the opposite effect.

So you are actually retarded, then. You will never become the best, you sad excuse for a person. Get your fucking life in order instead of trying to avoid your problems you spaztoid. You think anyone that is really good at something needs the aid of amphetamines to become better at what they do? Fucking hell, this is just sad.

oh shit mayo is dancing

I dont think its sad, it is something that I am truly passionate about, and have been for almost my whole life. I get better and better as the years move on, but for the first 12-24hours when I take dextroamphetamine it definitely helps me get on my A game. Unless of course you think passion is sad. Then I dont know what to say. I am doing everything humanely possible to become the best.

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You are not though, retard. Stop lying to yourself lmao. You are frail and unstable. You run to the comfort of your bed as soon as someone shits on you. You seemingly believe that playing the game a lot and "being passionate" about it while being on drugs will make you good. You are fucked in the head. Stop taking retarded shit that will fuck with your brain, get a schedule and TRAIN, moron. Do not just play the game and take some shit and think that is all you need. People like you are really a waste of space. You know nothing about true passion. You waste your life doing fuck all, only to get some dopamine and keep yourself semi-comfortable. Why else cry on a fucking website for wasted life about it? Either get real and fucking start trying for once or just fucking kill yourself.

what game anyway?

Theres no game, its a bunkertranny thread in disguise

nigga what? you are literally a tweaker. You are taking AMPHETAMINES to get better a game that is like your only reason for living or something? And no shit it has the opposite effect after almost 2 whole fucking days without sleep. Get yourself the fuck together you fucking crackhead. >muh passion
you mean staying up for days tweaking and playing Vidya? get some fucking help my dude

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There is some truth to what you speak, user. I know. I have had many struggles in my life and put many substances down for good, the only reason I still take amps is to improve my performance in game, and of course I take benzos pretty reguraly to offset sweating and heartbeat and stuff. I used to do oxys and heroin, but I quit that. I am DEVOTED to my craft, if you dont like the word passion. However, something you said clicked. I just took some diazepam to clear my head from the dextroamp and it allowed me to think a bit about what you said. I will give it some thought. I will never stop training to be the best though!
I cant say, I might get identified.

>I've gotten over my struggle with addiction, now I just take xannys and speed
what the fuck user

>has 5k hours in the game
>Does meth to go even further beyond
>Still loses
Bro find a new game what the fuck are you doing

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talk shit after the game, not before dummy

You fucking braindead junkie. The only thing are doing is rationalizing drug abuse. You are fucking delusional. Maybe bait but I'll bite. Why did you start taking heroin, faggot? Someone fucked you up real good in childhood? Someone left you and you know you're lonely? Whatever it is, no excuse to be a junkie retard. And stop disrespecting the people that actually want to be good at someone because they enjoy it and not as a cop out to escape from the pain of reality. Fucking mongoloid.

while I agree with the sentiment you're a huge fucking faggot

Explain why, nigger.