Literally the same game for 20 years

>literally the same game for 20 years
>rendered the arena shooter irrelevant
>survived the Halo/COD dark ages intact
>barely blinked in the battle royale era
>professional competitive scene is still vibrant

What's Counter-Strike's secret?

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No woke shit.

focused on the only thing that ever matters, gameplay

they were 1st realistic looking shooter to get popular and you could play online with shit PC and cracked key
then later came the 1337 fr4g movies and downloading replays

>What's Counter-Strike's secret?
People with Asperger's. I don't know anyone normal that finds this game fun for more than a few matches while drunk every couple years.

1. It's cheap
2. Runs flawlessly on every single system
3. High skill ceiling = Increased autistic motivation to invest thousands of hours to climb ranks

>No woke shit.

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csgo is deteriorating slowly but somehow it is still superior to its competitors

Didn't know they added gorillas to CS now

Lmao, we Payday now.

its competitive, simple, and not as toxic as dota.

I think it's the least toxic dopamine hit ranked game there is

brainlet perma silver take.

Ive been watching the current major and haven't seen nothing like that, just the same old skins, meanwhile if you watch valarant pro matches is full of bix nood and woman giving one liners every 2 seconds

They’re slowly adding woke shit. Give it time.
CS peeked with CSS.
Global Offensive is when it started going downhill:
Mod support is so constricted, no sprays, loot boxes, etc.
I want Zool’s Classic Offensive to take off, but I doubt it’s happening.

because pros insist on standard skins. meanwhile if you play the official "competitive" mode as a casual player you have to put up with terrible player models that have shit visibility (even worse than the default ones) on half the maps.
as for the stupid voice lines, you can bind a command like "noradio" or similar to a button and press that button once at the start of each match. no bot voice bullshit. it's a serious flaw that this isn't an explicit menu option and you have to open the console or a text file to make it happen.

>What's Counter-Strike's secret?
High skill ceiling, while also allowing people to play as casually as they want. Simple to play, simple to watch, complicated to master. It's the perfect formula.

>I think it's the least toxic
gold nova player?

my guilty pleasure was loading a server with zm_lila_panic_v2 and camping in the concrete pipe with an m249 and blasting for 10 minutes straight

Really, who gives a shit about toxicity?
>option to mute
Done. Why is it an issue?

its simple, no health regen, no medpacks, no breath for 5 seconds and you are fine, no classes to regain health.

I feel like I'm playing this game as a job. I spent 1k hours on it and I'm still not good. No sense of progression either way.

I feel like the difference is with Dota 2 you're way more dependent on your allies and a single match is a way longer commitment compared to Counter-Strike's pacing.
There is a long term commitment in the sense of having money to buy shit(or lack thereof with a poor performance that can leave you at a disadvantage until the pity cash rolls in), but never to the extent Dota is.

I'm not even a compfag, i just like to download some random maps from the workshop and play in it against the bots.

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It just has the reputation as "le hardcore pc shooter, no console plebs allowed xD" that redditors flock to.