Day 2 of trying to defeat prescript boy. Can't do it right now but we had a good thread so lets have another. How scared should i be of the uninvited guests?

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No Fear
But do get some cards that you think are useful

I've been playing the game again lately many months after it stopped updating, to think that the grind it has right now is nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
Deck building is still a tedious process and when I go through the Realizations it only reminds me that many of them rely on you knowing their gimmicks ahead of time and you can't even rely well on the abnormality gimmicks from back when you fought the abnormality itself, Spider Bud just keeps attacking and attacking with a very high initial roll for example.
Smoke is still broken. Not broken enough to warrant replacing every deck in the team with it but having one or two smokers is a huge boon to damage.
I dislike the PT "synergy" with bleed decks, up until that point bleed was attributed to Slash, you do Slash attacks and you cause bleeding, Kurokumo has Slash bleed decks, Red Shoes attacks are Slash attacks, Dong-Hwan has a Slash bleed deck, but suddenly now Pierce causes bleeding.

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I mean inhale and deep drag are enough to cripple the enemy and make your guys buffed up negroes

What are you using? If you're using burn, stop using it.

You want to deal more stagger damage than HP damage. The key to fighting Yan is that unlike many others, it has no HP gate for phase 3. So you want to try to stagger it in phase 2 if possible, then just dump as much damage as you can to try and skip phase 3 entirely.

>game made easy and repetitive with reading
sounds like real life tbqh

is it weird i find all of the star of the city bosses easier than the rcorp battles?

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Considering you can turn off your brain and just red mist everyone in R Corp, yeah.

best star of the city gear to beat hokmanutz` price of silence? can't kill those fuckers fast enough

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Press P.


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Liu is consistently annoying to me, but outside of the very first act in R.corp thanks to the ranged pages, I never found them that hard.

>redirect buffs
>unga with gebura + Myo passive
>when hands are dead use Nikolai's unique to destroy all counter dice
>have smoke ready to deal absurd damage to the boss while it's defenseless
You can also use Yesod's regret to stagger more easily

Can someone please explain to me Yan's Distortion?
It can be Carmen that helped cause it like the others, because he showed no interest in the ensemble or the light, so what was it? Was it just the city itself?

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What is the meaning of this gif

fucking with hokma

It was. Anyone invited into the library has been in contact with the light.

and if memory serves, many more poeple the player never sees or interacts with are being invited, from regular smuchs to lvl 1 fixers in an increasing rate to gather as much light as possible

what makes EGO and distortion different

is it like when you go through some emotional shit like everyone you know dying and can't cope you distort but if you come out of it a better person you get EGO

or am i retarded

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>overcome inner demons in moment of distress
You become a giga-chad with superpowers
you become an abomination

pretty much.
one is the product of resolve, determination and acceptance while the other is the result of a lack of conviction, will and despair.

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But you also get superpowers when distorting, no?
I mean all Philip and Xiao got was hot weapons while Pluto can make people sign their hearts away.

everyone has light on them, not a complete one thanks to Angela and for the same reason distortions exist

>I am now at end game
>Still no reason not to use will of prescript for card draw

I have brace up but then I'd have to give up at least 2 card slots, I have been rolling 2, 1 cost light restores and will of the prescript for like 70+ hours now lmao

xiao has really hot weapons and armor, philip can now control his fire powers freely (ex. throw fire beams)

I meant partial EGO philip. All he got was a wing and a knife from those thousand degree knive challenges.

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your hopes for limbus user?

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who's benjamin?

i hate birds

uh?, I'm sure that's a Laetitia pic, also BAVI

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that its not a lor carbon copy. dont get me wrong i like the game but making more of the same is never a good idea......also mountains of content for me to gacha at launch

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More Laetitia

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deez nutz
fuck the birds

It’s lore is disconnected so I don’t have to play a fucking gacha game