Cloud is the future of gamin-

>Cloud is the future of gamin-

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Square Enix definitely has shit servers.

Isnt the future great

The funniest part is that the only game that has no business being on Switch is KH3, but Squeenix apparently can't stand the thought of a lower resolution.

You will see more like it if cloud gaming ever becomes the norm. It's a logistical nightmare.

on-demand is the entire point of cloud

>nintendo puts sora in smash
>squenix does the bare minimum and ports their ps2 games to a console that runs downgraded versions of crysis and witcher 3

>nintendo puts joker in smash
>only three games atlus puts on your system is catherine, a shitty overpriced nocturne remaster, persona spin-offs and a new smt they are contractually obligated to make for you, soul hackers skipping switch becase ???

>nintendo puts kazuya in smash
>no tekken or any big projects from bamco since harada hates the switch because ???

>nintendo debuts dark souls remastered on their direct
>switch version gets delayed, DaS 2 never ever

>nintendo makes a massive fucking deal about skyrim being on switch, even features it on their console debut trailer
>skyrim anniversary update on every platform but switch

Man I get they were massive fucking assholes to third parties like two decades ago but it must fucking suck being Nintendo

>squenix does the bare minimum and does cloud versions of their ps2 games*

And it's not feasible for video games. No data center in the world could facilitate the demand for literally millions of people clamoring to play the same game all at once, especially not if it's demanding. The hardware investment required for establishing and maintaining such a service would be ridiculous at an industry-wide scale, not to mention the latency issues. There's a reason cloud gaming services never grow past a niche.

The future where you can play anything on weak hardware just isn't going to happen. There are too many physical limitations. Download subscriptions like gamepass are more realistic than cloud gaming.

Don't make a shit console

It's really because Sakurai is mentally ill and that whole tendo picks the fighters is just bullshit. You just know he got paid for those picks

Name a single good console.

The nocturne remaster was bad?

>server malfunctions
>game stolen

>too many players
>game stolen

>say mean words on facebook or twitch
>game stolen
Physical media or pirating is the only way.

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>Victim complex
Maybe Nintendo needs to keep up with the times?

no we wont. theyll scale servers up to match the demand. obviously things arent very good right now because cloud gaming is still very niche. are you retarded?
its like saying electric vehicles are a logistical nightmare because surprise surprise, they havent invested in the infrastructure when there's barely anyone driving those things

No one who isn't an industry mark actually believes this though
Feel sad for anyone whos only means of maybe playing KH is this though
The PS4 ports are some of the best "HD ports" on the market
That along with FFX and XII were pretty solid upgrades of Squares big games from that era
Still, they have had so many bad ports, especially of older classics like Chrono Trigger
Their quality or lack there of is all over the place, its a shame really


No, people just bitch about the price. Which is fair-enough of a reason to bitch.

He was the winner of the Smash Ballot.
Sakurai is a huge Persona fan. There's even interviews of him gushing over P5.
Sakurai is a huge fighting game fan. He grew up with the likes of Street Fighter and Tekken, might even enjoy those more than Smash itself.
TL;DR the majority of the DLC characters where made to either satisfy Sakurai or to benefit Nintendo and/or other companies.

it's always going to stay a niche because server overhead and cost of bandwidth is never going to deflate enough that cloud gaming is any kind of economical on a large scale

Surely switch could run actual KH

too bad square is too fucking lazy and cheap to make carts for it

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