2022... I am forgotten

2022... I am forgotten

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I see seethe threads about it made daily.

Look at how they butchered the King Allant boss fight on so many levels...
PS3: youtu.be/MFQVbt6wQy8?t=250
PS5: youtu.be/E0x30hPQuHk?t=151

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There's daily posts about how they changed the color of someones socks so it's a bad game.
This game will live rent free in Any Forumss head forever. It will never be forgotten.

I see zero difference besides bottom has better graphics.

PS5 looks better

PS5 graphics a lot better, great job

>2022... I am being played and enjoyed on the pc via emulation

Fix'd it for you

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This right here is all you need to know about it.
Get yer ears checked

there is no difference, the gameplay is a 1:1 remake. anyone saying otherwise has not played both versions to compare

also it's crazy how the final boss of DeS is like twice as easy as the first boss of Elden Ring.

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>still can't walk into a store and buy a PS5 off the shelf

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>there is no difference
except worse designs, worse ost and worse sound effects lol



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The final boss of Demon's Souls is pic related, he's infinitely easier than any boss in Elden Ring.
He's also the second best final boss in the series, after Gwyn.

Attached: No one wishes to go on.png (1544x1338, 2.57M)

>He's also the second best final boss in the series, after Gwyn.
>DeSfags genuinely believe this shit

I know it's you Matthew.

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I know that doujin

Not a DeSfag, I like DS1, Bloodborne and Sekiro over it. King Allant is still a kino final boss, and insecure DeSfags are the ones who created that stupid meme that the "real final boss" is the False King, who isn't necessarily even the final archdemon. It's like arbitrarily saying that Seath is the real final boss of DS1, just because the cool kids are making fun of Gwyn.

I don't, help a brother out.

Put it on PC and it will live forever.

>worse sound effects
There are limits to being retarded.

Bullshit. It was forgotten one month after release.

Persoally, I can't comprehend how you'd consider it a better boss either mechanically or thematically than either of Isshin's fights, Radagon, or Gehrman and the Moon Presence. So I'll assume I simply have a much different taste than yours.

He's not wrong. And none of you fuckers acknowledge that ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the voice acting is objectively worse either. The game literally isn't worth playing.

i love the sound of wubstep and dog farts

But it seems there is no limit for being deaf.