Do you ever lower the difficulty level when you start getting frustrated with a game, or just stop playing completely?

Do you ever lower the difficulty level when you start getting frustrated with a game, or just stop playing completely?

If not, why not? Are you afraid that someone learns that you played a game on a lower difficulty?

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ive never played a game that i couldnt beat on normal

The only time I can remember downing the difficulty in any game was in nu-god of war during the last valkyrie fight, went from the hardest to hard because I was sick of how much of a damage sponge the boss was coupled with how little margin of error you have.

there usually isn't a difficulty below "easy" so i just quit.

I play games on normal and only boost the difficulty if I truly enjoy the game.

I'll never lower the difficulty but I almost never start on the highest

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Usually I play on 1 difficulty higher than the default and leave it unless it's clearly just doubled everything's HP or some boring shit

I just start on normal/hard and move up if I have time to kill.
>Are you afraid that someone learns that you played a game on a lower difficulty?
Not really. Friend who plays doom 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty had me beat it for him, I turned it up to ultra violent.

No because I beat every game I’ve ever played on the highest difficulty without dying once on my first try.

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I play on the difficulty I started the game with and I think there's only one game that comes to mind that lets you change difficulty mid playthrough and that's Lost Judgment.

In Nier Gestalt I did so because hard mode in that game is just extending enemy health and lowering your damage rather than anything interesting.

Other than that, usually no


Sure, but at some point some become too much of a chore

There's tons of games that let you change difficulty mid way
In fact, a think the only games that don't let you usually it's because they have some achievement tied to the difficulty level

>check difficulty descriptions
>if harder difficulties primarily increase enemy health, pick normal because making enemies more spongy is garbage
>if there are modes that fundamentally change gameplay, such as making everything deal more damage, reserve for a potential second playthrough
>otherwise pick hardest, or 2nd hardest if 5 or more options
If the game is well designed, the challenge is the fun part, dying multiple times and having to replay sections won't change that. If it simply gets frustrating then it's a shit game and I drop it.

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i'm afraid to give up on myself, i know i can do better and shouldn't be a bitch for my own good, i don't enjoy getting free handed the ending of the game because i'm not a girl, if the game is too hard THEN BRING IT ON BITCHES

I've only lowered the difficult in one game before and it was the first Divinity Original Sin. A friend and I got stuck on the last boss fight on hard or whatever and had to put it on normal.


Best answer, though I always start with normal or whatever their intended first-time difficulty is
If the game's kicking my ass, but its game design is fundamentally good enough to where I could see myself enjoying it, either I lower the difficulty first and no one's gotta know about it so I can learn its intricacies faster, or if that's not possible, save it for another time when I'm feeling in the right mood for it
If it's kicking my ass from shit design, those difficulty changes better not just be "numbers go up/down," because very often even making it easier to where I can actually get through it just makes it more of a slog and still not worth playing through
And then there's the ever-rare case where the default difficulty is too easy and it only dawns on me after playing through the game enough, so I just stash it away and plan on replaying it on a harder difficulty in the future
Current examples for me on that last case are Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, and possibly PS1's Army Men Air Attack

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I lower difficulty if I'm getting frustrated. I quit the game if I'm getting bored

I have to defeat the game on the hardest victory or admit that I'm getting too old

The worst part of a hard difficulty is that it usually isn't balanced in the beginning of a new game

Like the Zagi achievement early in Vesperia
It's ass without your battle skills and involves cheesing it or getting lucky

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I usually just stop playing because I feel like I'm cheating otherwise