ARMA Reforger announcement leaked

ARMA Reforger info leaked ahead of announcement on May 17th
>Alternate 1989 Cold War setting
>Everon - a mid-Atlantic island, spanning 52km2
>Multiplayer game mode, featuring competitive and cooperative gameplay
>Conflict - large scale warfare, showcasing infantry combat
>3 factions, 6 vehicles (with 18 variants), 15 weapons, 2 type grenades, and 13 dedicated combat roles
>Battlefield communications and logistics
>Game Master scenario editor, multiplatform Workshop, and full modding support
>Persistent player profiles
Releasing on PC/Xbox/Playstation on the Enfusion engine which actually runs well if DayZ is anything to go by.

Check /r/arma for the leaked documents where this is all coming if you're curious

Attached: Reforger.jpg (1470x1041, 225.42K)

>Releasing on PC/Xbox/Playstation

Attached: cobber.jpg (1024x768, 144.54K)

There's literally nothing wrong with this. ARMA can and does work on a controller. DayZ handles it well on consoles. If you're using a controller, it works, when you plugin a keyboard+mouse into your console, you get full key rebinds. It didn't affect the "complexity" of the PC version in any way. In regards to current gen consoles, they're probably significantly more powerful than the system you're posting this from.

Attached: Reforger Enfusion brand guide.png (1097x500, 218.85K)

>In regards to current gen consoles, they're probably significantly more powerful than the system you're posting this from

Post specs
Hope you have a recent-ish Ryzen 7, RTX2070 and a high speed NVMe user

Attached: observing.jpg (857x1024, 47.43K)

Console cope
Keep on coping shill.

Post specs

Attached: get him.png (300x300, 74.05K)

shill harder consolediaper

Attached: sp.png (525x391, 20.56K)

I really hope they tweak the player controller a little, I still remember the way Arma 2 played, 3 was better, but it's still a bit janky, DayZ's new engine is moving in the right direction.

Might be acceptable for consoles with low level optimizations but on a PC? You need 32GB to account for Windows bloat.
>Windows 10 Home
nice everything else though

I9 42000KS
420 niggabytes of ram
Nigger Vidya Are Tea EX 42069
420 bigga nigga flops or M.2. NVME Sata 6.0gbps ISCSI ZIP DISK DRIVE
Lian Li Go Fuckyourself Nigger Edition with LGBT RGB lighting
420hz Asus ROG Msi Afterburner 18K monitor
IBM Model M Painted as Black as my dick.

Hey retard consoles have a shared 16gb
His PC has 16 plus 8 lmao retard

Assuming you're not lying, you're one of the very few who can actually say that their rig is better than a current gen console.
t. user using a hard drive for gaming in TYOOL 2022
still Windows bloat and no low level gaming-specific optimizations. There's a reason why your "equivalent" system from 2013 runs like shit compared to a PS4/Xbox One.

no one care?

By doing cold war they're going to omit a lot of tech related features. I wonder if they're still supported engine-wise for modding or if they will be reintroduced later

With the emphasis they're putting on modding, I'd be surprised if they dropped support for shit like drones. People are totally going to mod in other theaters of war and import previous games like OA and ARMA3

>3 factions, 6 vehicles (with 18 variants), 15 weapons, 2 type grenades, and 13 dedicated combat roles
Pretty meh

Honestly if this keeps costs down between $29.99-$44.99 at launch then I'm down for it because all that shit will just be modded in anyways.

I use ARMA to practice for OCS.

Attached: 1652445672568.png (512x512, 242.33K)

whats the point? everyone would gladly wait another couple years for arma 4

>13 dedicated combat roles
so what? how specific would this get besides multiplayer roles for vehicles/weapons

3080 last and years ryzen

I think you underestimate how good the Enfusion engine is and how much we want to get off the old one.