If you respawned once, for any reason at all, you didn't beat the game

If you respawned once, for any reason at all, you didn't beat the game.

The strong survive, the weak die. Do-overs are for salty pussies who can't accept their end at the hands, or blade, of a superior opponent.

But. Nothing.

Grace is for transportation only. You die, you lose. Simple.

Attached: elden-ring-all-site-of-grace-locations-8042-1648646338309.jpg (1600x900, 221.72K)

Cool, let's see your deathless run on your first playthrough then.

For me, survival is the norm.
For you? Tch, weak piece of shit....

You have to die to progress the game beyond the chapel of anticipation tho

Not seeing a deathless run video posted.

>dying at chapel of anticipation

Realistically, if you played the game fully turbo-autism mode and constantly farmed for hours and hours before fighting every boss, could it be remotely possible to beat the game without dying if you are overleveled?

I haven't played the game, so I don't know if there are bullshit mechanics that oneshot you anyways

If you posted this staled meme once, for any reason at all, you didn't fit

>Uses ashes and NPC summons
>"Heh, it only took me a couple of tries."
>"I didn't look anything up and I had an easy time."
>"Oh by the way you should use this map showing what areas to explore at what level you're at."

I hate talking to people about this game.

>the only way to make souls games fun is to make them as difficult as possible

god you people are insufferable

If you're playing while not wearing a blindfold, you didn't beat the game.
A good player should have enough awareness just hearing enemies vocal hints and environmental noises.

But. Nothing.
If you're looking at the screen, you're not playing the game as intended.

You'll still have to jump off a cliff even if you manage to kill the grafted scion

No. Not a chance. This game is all about retarded surprise attacks which is why the bosses are so shit.

Most of Radahn's attacks are a one-shot. Even the ones that aren't stunlock you and you're fucked. He's the only boss I've summoned for. It was an epic cinematic experience, but shittily designed boss.

That's why I rank Elden Ring lower than DS2. Miyazaki actually listened to these people. Sure. now you have summon ashes, but that defeats the fucking purpose of the ridiculous difficulty.

He is 100% designed to fight with summons, it's the whole gimmick.

At some point, the enemies won't give you enough souls to level up. Stats also have caps that made leveling up pointless past a certain value. And even at stat caps, late bosses are still very threatening as long as you don't summon.
I'm not saying nobody would succeed (I'm sure some autist will do it, but even with ashes I think an average player would fuck up once or twice on some bosses. Or fall and die somewhere.

I assumed as much. Doesn't make if fun or a good boss.

You think these people are good enough at the game to beat the first enemy?

Not anymore he was nerfed so hard that not fighting him alone is a disservice to the entire fight.

he got unnerfed, chief.