You now realize the next TES and Starfield will have dogshit, outdated combat mechanics

>you now realize the next TES and Starfield will have dogshit, outdated combat mechanics
Elden Ring has ruined future games for me

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Do people really play Soulstranny garbage I literally do not know

souls games have objectively the best gameplay out of all rpgs

For me it was Dragons Dogma, when I played it I didn't play anything else until I finished it.
Made me realize how shallow Skyrims and ES combat is.

...Are you implying that Elden Ring's combat isn't dated shit?

yes. elden ring and starfield will prob have boring as fuck combat where pause mid combat, eat 200 apples, and continue swinging your shit where the enemy doesn't dodge

Sucks to be you.

the next one is hammerfell so im not gonna buy it

Attached: elder scrolls.png (1942x1654, 3.26M)

it's going to be hammerfell + daggerfall

> He thinks EldenLag will still be relevant after Skyrim in Space drops.

>you know realize TESVI is delayed until 2028

Attached: 1647902506435.png (1026x711, 960.04K)

Elden Ring is literally using a combat system from 2009.

>a game coming out in late 2023
Cool story bro

Hammerfell is a based as fuck nation that thinks elves are faggots and so are magic users.

The pronoun thing in Starfirld is a huge red flag. No doubt it will be Hammerfell and no doubt it will be wokeshit.
Oh well it was a good run.

it's ruined by being full of blacks though

And it's better than any combat system bethesda has ever made

They're Arabian samurai, that's based.

How can anyone still trust Bethesda is beyond me

They're clearly Islamic West Africans with Japanese influences.

>dodge roll
>dodge roll
wow, such riveting gameplay

>Islamic West Africans
That's like saying Alaskan Brazilian.

I was referring to the Islamic sultanates of West Africa like Mali and Songhai. They dress very similar to the Redguards from Skyrim and TSO.

You guys are thinking of Moors. Arab, Berber and Blacks present in North Africa and current Spain during the middle ages.

Man souls games have been stale and stagnant for several iterations now. Elden Ring changes so little for the actual souls formula, mainline souls games have done little to evolve from Demon's Souls. Ad to its credit, early on it was still fresh and the formula was, and IS, a good one. It is fun. But Sekiro and Bloodborne proved that they are capable of making greater deviations from the souls formula with great success, so to see them not do the same with Elden Ring is a disappointment. They struck gold with the souls formula, but it is pretty clear that they're coasting off of it at this point and playing it safe by not making any large leaps of faith with it. Jump attacks, block counters and ashes of war are good, but not enough when enemy design has evolved to be more aggressive and punishing of your natural tendencies as a returning souls player without giving you more tools to interact than the standard block, parry, roll.
TL;DR you're right OP, TES6 is gonna feel outdated, but you picked a bad example to compare it to.

Is there a good balance mod?All these games usually have garbage balance and pacing