Kill your enemy

>kill your enemy
>you lose

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i thought it was about what vengeance does to you

why are there a bunch of indie games in this exact same style but with no detail at all
like it's so ugly

vengeance is not bad in of itself. its when you let it be the only thing you live for that it destroys you.

Vengeance is not bad. Obsession and blind anger are bad. If this is how it ends I’m glad I never finished this boring game.

>run through the level with a wakizashi and slit everyone's throats
>spare the bosses because killing is bad
Was he retarded?

It's optional. You can spare every boss in the game if you break their posture twice.

I hate that sanctimonious bullshit.
>I can play through the game killing people with no repercussion
>But killing the people that personally ruined your life is bad
People are too soft now. We need more games like The Punisher and Silent Hill 3 where revenge is shown is a positive light.

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Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Pussy nigga shit.

Thank you for your wisdom Ghandi, I'll go lie on the train tracks in front of a camera so I either stop the train or become a sensation in the media.

The innocent robbed of vision alone leads to evil ruling in plain sight.

Shut the fuck up, Sifu looks great in general.

>ITT: fat edgelords foaming at the mouth because a game made them think instead of indulging their power fantasies
lol, lmao!

>evil ruling in plain sight
The law of self-righteousness.

>a game made them think
That's its OK to kill randoms but not ok to kill people that personally wronged you?

so why did the teacher and all the students have to die anyways? was yang just taking out his own anger for not being able to save his own family
also what's wrong with killing criminals, they're all self important morally bankrupt crime syndicate leaders

Ok Mr. Trudeau.

Slit machete boss throat , forgive ladies and chinese kilo ren, get the ending

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You only get the good ending if you spare every enemy and then let the last boss kill you.

Gotta live for something, coward.

Traditional chink way of dealing with cycle of revenge is to genocide the opposing clan.

Can't have anyone coming after you if all your potential enemies are dead.

>guy takes your eye
>you take his life
>he can no longer take any eyes
it's that simple.

That was the same with the mongols and all their conquered enemies and honestly it worked for a while until they themselves fought each other.
It only becomes an issue like with most revenge stories is if you don't finish the job and a survivor happens to show up and ruin your day, you gotta be systematic and clean if you want to commit genocide or clannicide.

You forgot the part when they eat each other