Souls loremaster here

Souls loremaster here
Ask and I shall answer

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no PTDE?

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The fuck turned Aldia into a burning bush blob.

He can also change size and teleport.
Dunno, maybe his research into the curse led him to believe being a teleporting bonfire was cool and might him understand it better

I didn't make the image

What’s with the open coffin in Neto’s arena. I’ve heard people say it’s a reference to hades wife who leaves the underground to bring harvest in the year.

Mever heard of this and I don't know about greek mythology.
I'd guess it's either the coffin you can use to access his covenant or simply a coffin he chills in from time to time

It's his bed, you take the gravelord covenant way down to him and he's just chilling in it.

whats with souls

What's an albinauric

>What’s with the open coffin in Neto’s arena.
It's literally Nito's coffin, he comes out of it in the cutscene.

The more interesting questions are; A.) Why does Nito have a coffin at all, since he's not actually "dead", and obviously no one made him a coffin when he was "alive". B.) Who are the other three coffins in the arena belonging to and why, including the one hidden behind a bunch of rocks barely visible? C.) Who made the gigantic monstrous coffin that literally makes up the arena Pinwheel inhabits, complete with a huge lid and everything, and what was it made for? Obviously it has something to do with the "giants" the Tomb of the Giants is named for, but there's no body big enough to inhabit it, and it's empty and being used as a building which means someone had to have buried it which is a huge task by itself, and then someone else later had to remove the body from it which seems just as big a feat.

What was the deal with the turtle backpack people that turn into esqueleton dragons in DS3?

why cant we see iron keep in harvest valley

Flesh golems.

Why was DS2 so shit, OP

when is the last time you touched a girl

captcha DAYTS which you do not go on

Who made them and why?

They're pilgrims, I believe seeking to reach Lothric in order to offer themselves either to become Angels or Butterflies. There's probably more specific theories on who or what they are but it's never actually stated in game and the only reason people kind of know is because some of the models you never see match up a bit.

Why did Earthern Peak of all places appeared in the Dreg Heap, and the Kiln of the First Flame is now located on a broken archtree stump?

Pilgrims from Londor. The shell slows the mutation.
Because they are not close by. Your character forgets chunks of his journey. It's shown in the intro cutscene. The elevator ride is just what you remember.
I don't think it was. Worse than BB and 3, on par with 1

Because they liked the area apparently. Dreg heap is literally everything smashing together and dreg heap also lets them add the pyromancer set.
>broken archtree stump
That's firelink shrine, not exactly the kiln. And we access the ringed city via frampt's hole