Responsible for the shattering

>responsible for the shattering
>only one to get happy ending

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I love my wife Ranni!

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She is a miracle of the universe, that's why. Literally built for consensual hand holding.

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I talked to Miyazaki for you guys, next DLC will have 2 extra endings where you can walk away after beating the Elden Beast.

One ending has you leaving The Lands Between and journeying to (or back to, if you played Samurai) The Land of Reeds. The other ending requires Rya leaving the Volcano Manor after you've defeated Rykard, so that when you decide to leave The Lands Between, you meet Rya down the road and you decide to travel together to lands unknown.

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>>only one
Every quest giver that gives you an ending gets an happy ending though?
Dung Eater gets what he wants if you do his thing, Shabriri and the other maiden also get what they wanted if you go CHAOS and so on.

> She's based to the point where even the developers didn't dare to give her a bad ending

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I want more Ranni.

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ya know its funny for all the attempts the weird Western tranny lefties try at making powerful female characters, Nips do it effortlessly.

Ranni is defined by her ruthlessness, willpower, and planning and mysteriousness, she's a legit "strong character" and doesn't feel hackneyed at all.

She claims to value freedom yet sold her freedom to get a "fate" so as to wield the Fingerslayer Blade. She's in for a rude awakening, having just repeated the history of Marika founding an order under someone else's thumb.

where's the DLC where we go on a honeymoon and find a dollmaker to fix her body and then hold hands (4x2)

Isn't samurai canonically from sekirolands?

its more that we, the player character, simply cannot ruin her plan, if you aren't involved presumptively show goes and does it without you.

she's someone so powerful she doesn't need us.

Sekiro is set in literal Japan as the Tokugawa era begins.

Hopefully not.
Wolf could easily outclass everything in the Eldenverse.
His power level would make everything you struggle through in Elden Ring a joke.

Sekiro would be a wielder of Destined Death, also Sekiro seems much less powerful a setting than ELden Ring, though him fighting the Dragon God was pretty badass.

>responsible for the shattering
Yeah it’s her and definitely not marika who told all her kids to kill each other

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The bigger the hat, the cuter the witch and she has a BIG hat.

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So how is Marika not fucking retarded again?
I still have no idea what her fucking end game is.
>Is the slave queen for space gods
>Is happy with this but then for some reason isn't
>tells her husband to wear a lion to suppress his power level but also go away and come back when he's stronger
>uses this opportunity to fuck one of her other warriors and makes him the new lord
>tells her new husbands kids (from his ex) to fight with her own descendants
>tells Ranni, someone she isn't even related to, to steal a piece of the rune of death (that she already stole from the Elden Ring and gave to her fursona for safe-keeping)
>this fragment of death is used to kill Marika's actual descendant for some reason
>Marika then what to break the Elden Ring
>her new husband tries to fix it
>they fusion dance or something
what did any of this even achieve for anyone?

>she goes and do it without you
Kek, no. I doubt Blaidd could take on Radahn by himself.
He and Alexander both say you did all the heavy lifting in the battle.

Post more smol Ranni

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user, marika and radagon are the same person
she's a literal schizo

The cutest.

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>In Marika's own words. I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order. Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. My comrades; why must ye falter?
It seems she didn’t like the current order or things and wanted to ‘test’ the world

Ranni a cute

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Imagine going from being 4m tall to standard girl size.
Poor girl.

Look at her go!


not exclusive to nips
its just westoids that discard sexuality as a concept for "being toxic" are unable to compete