MMO is the most important genre because simultaneous characters correlates to skillfulness, options, and socialization...

MMO is the most important genre because simultaneous characters correlates to skillfulness, options, and socialization. Thousands of individual effects on the world is a lot of content. The most tuning but the most fair, science's suggestion of replacing traditional classes with a skill points system is the most balanced, anybody-can-win gameplay; and the economy is most active rewarding gathering, crafting, and trading professions by requiring replacements of equipment and consumables via durability and PvP looting. It's easy to experience.

In a quality iteration, leveling is replaced by requiring evasion / skillfulness to keep your goods. This provides roles and trading volume, the fantasy-meets-reality of anything is possible, and allows any lucky, rich, or skillful character the opportunity to have the best abilities and stats in all of the world. It's really motivating via risks:rewards, the character traversing dangerous paths, only taking the engagements he wants, gracing others with his presence. Open world PvE and PvP are central.

PvP is always-stimulating content because the notion of danger is exciting, and the simplicity of advanced tactics always has so much reward bringing quality back into the economy. It's the renown of finding god loot. It's the reputation of top plays and strategy. Story is important, but lore is defined by tales.

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With the whole world being relevant, and potentially everything that happens being momentary entertainment, freedom is about speed and power; strategy is about knowledge. Inviting others, teaming up -- the character is important, which correlates to a popularized game. Adventuring, exploring -- the landscape is well-designed, rewarding players for staying on the edge of the map, punishing those who go to the middle. An open world is complemented by having routes so that characters can strategize clutch points, and events should lead players to zones and cities.

It's easy to make. A few developers could produce a character, item, zone, and activity per day and have an MMO in a month. Sandbox content is repeatable. Having an innovative opinion is simple.

>people disagree with me!?!??!!?
>better start spamming the same shitty thread, that'll convince them to agree with me!

What are you specifically on about?

you forgot what fun is, this shit would just be a grind fest run by 2 autistic sperg lords, go play eve online

EVE is fun though.

It's an open world MOBA or RTS because of direction-clicking, albeit 3D, with hotkeys for actions.

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mmo rpgs are just sperg day care centers


>[Not an argument].

Niggers tongue my anus

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I very well know what fun is.

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They re just griefing elitist bullshit enjoy your lost world shitfest

>this is what Minecraft kids believe
No one cares about your hypixel hunger game crap

MMOs in 2022 are for retarded faggots. I won't and shouldn't need to elaborate

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Minecraft isn't an MMO because it doesn't have a server browser.


It isn't the most strategic. Most tactics are
>wait for a player to approach me so I can ambush them
>gank the player when they are vulnerable
>run from any other fight if possible
You just click on another dude and you either win or lose an hour or more of progress.
Grinding skill points just means everyone must grind or ignore large chunks of the game as they did before with classes.
The economy is not good and the people that farm the most are usually punished the most over those who just do pvp and win their goods, despite efforts to balance this.
Again, PvP is rarely stimulating because it is basically decided in the first action who clicks who first.


How is pointing out the mental illness of a person grinding away their lives on a virtual treadmill not an argument to how mmos suck cock and are held up by said mentally ill people who need an autistic daily task to be fulfilled in their pathetic lives?
