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Dios el.. EL SOQUEO

I disagree. If you're saying that because you think it breaks immersion then you should consider all the other things you do in the game that break the immersion twofold. Example being your inventory size, not having to sleep, healing your wounds with a loaf of bread, etc.

Fast travel is optional, so you are free to avoid using it.

Actually my issue is more that it encourages lazy practices in quest design.
Where normally going from X to Y to do Z has one or several routes involved to get to a certain place, and along that route you could you may encounter interesting things off the beaten path, landmarks, enemies, other quests, etc.
Instead you just fast travel to the nearest marked location, beeline over to Y, do Z, fast travel back to X. It's very weak by comparison.

>I dissagree, if you s-
>I have never sayed that

I think Dragons Dogma has the best fast travel system

It's cliché but I think Morrowind does it best.

It does suck and it basically exists to hide that open world games are actually empty as fuck with nothing interesting happening. If fast travel didn't exist the worlds would have to be at least vaguely dynamic and have interesting things happen while you travel, rather than effectively just being massive copy pasted environments that you walk through once just like any other stage in a normal game but way more padded.

This is always such a shit argument. Games are designed around what you can do. If fast travel is in the game the devs are going to pace and balance the quests around you having it. If fast travel was not in the game then it would be designed different. You 'ignoring' it doesn't change how it affects the broader game.

I see the same dumb argument for quest markers and it makes me want to spit.

But if you already traveled the same road back and forth 20 times, is there really any point to doing it again? If anything I feel like the monotony of doing the same thing over and over again is more detrimental to the enjoyment of the game than fast traveling.

If you have to take the same lengthy road 20 times for some reason then that sounds like a pretty poorly paced game.

It, like much of the entirety of modern video game, is an easy solution to a more difficult problem. The problem is that people are bored with travel because it involves going across familiar areas and dealing with familiar and usually easy challenges to get to new content. So, allowing players to just bypass all that stuff and get to the new content is an easy way of dealing with that.

But easy is not necessarily correct. It makes the world feel smaller, and if the world is an MMO, it also makes it feel emptier to new players. It effectively means anywhere outside of hubs of new activity are dead and devoid of any players and possibilities for interaction.

If you're talking about a single player game or a low-effort lobby style game where the goal is to just hop in and play, I think that's fine. But for MMOs, it is absolutely the wrong approach. The entire purpose of an MMO is to facilitate social experiences among the player base. Fast travel provides convenience at the cost of potential interactions. Therefore, I think it's the wrong approach.

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Based. If your games open world is so bland that I can and want to fast travel around it then the game should never have been open world in the first place.

As long as it doesn't make backtracking tedious I welcome it as a game's option. You're free to not use it. "B-but muh immersion..." excuse is for unimaginative crowd who thinks more hours walking in games = quality time spent.

>You're free to not use it

>Games are designed around what you can do.
If you can fast travel you can fast travel. Simple as.

Fast Travel is fine, but I prefer it be limited only to certain hubs. Someone else already said it, but I believe Morrowind has the best fast travel system of any game ever made. Pre-determined settlements you can travel to by boat or strider, a spell that lets you mark one location that you can use a recall spell to instantly travel back to at any time (but you can only mark one location at a time), and finally devices located in specific ancient constructions you can fast travel back to IF you find the key within, which means you have to discover and clear it and find that key in the first place. Perfect system.

If you can fast travel then chances are you have a boring fuck world.

I quite agree.

>Durrr durrrrrr eeeeehhhhhhhhh

Tell us then what games have fast travel that are boring and games which don't have fast travel and are great.